Tulip - this is why you hear so often about a due date from your prego friends, then the due date changes. I'm almost certain it's the OV date being off. I just found out last month using OPKs that I OV much later than I thought I did. I have such a normal 28 day you could set a calendar to it cycle, that I assumed I OV'd when I was supposed to. Noooope! I have a very short luteal phase! Fingers crossed for a great scan next week.
xobabyhopes - I'm glad you started this thread. I was just getting ready to start one of my own and you had already said exactly what I wanted to!!
Here's my story-
I'm 35, married for 4 years and DH thought we never wanted kids. Very recently we started thinking 'maybe' we did. I'd been on the pill almost 15 years, and they say if you are on it that long it can take 6 months or longer before you can get pregnant. I had just quit taking it in June, thinking we could decide after the 1st of the year what we wanted to do. I got pregnant in August, so they were wrong about it taking awhile to start functioning in my case! LOL.
I had a natural m/c on Sept 15, no D&C needed because my HCG was at a 3 soon after. I did ovulate again on 10/2 but I was using the OPK to not try yet. I wasn't ready emotionally. We weren't even trying to begin with so it was quite a shock, then losing the baby only 48 hours after getting used to the idea was unbelievable.
I started using OPKs and Pre-seed and taking baby asprin. OV'd again the end of October and went for it!! Got BFPs Thursday and Friday. Went to the lab at my OB and they drew blood to check my HCG and progesterone. I guess they did bloodwork during my m/c and my progesterone was really low, probably because I'm so new off of the pill.
Now, I'm just waiting super impatiently for bloodwork results Monday. I think they can tell early on if it's a chemical pregnancy. I get scared every time I go pee that I might see blood. Almost panicked this morning because I had cramps when I woke up at 6am. (I usually sleep til about 9 on weekends, the cramps woke me up) Realized after I was a bit more alert that it wasn't cramps, I WAS HUNGRY. LOL. I'm a dork.
I'd really like to be excited to be pregnant. But I just can't get there yet. Maybe if I stay prego longer than 48 hours this time I will believe it.
And thank you Charlee for the encouragement.