Been thinking of you today LadyL, hope all is going well with baby Reid! Can't believe the first of the second round of bubbas is going to be here after today, only seems like a few months ago it was all the firsts turns lol.
Erin is doing well although the terrible two's are hitting early. 'No' features heavily and she is so stubborn and dependent, with tantrums happening quite frequently. God it's hard work! She's a delight in between though lol. Weighed her yesterday and she's 25lb1oz (11.4kg) right on the 75th centile where she's been all along so that's good. Doing it took me back to last year when I was weighing her every month.
Work has been even more crazy manic. I went away for work this week, left Wednesday at 5am and didn't get back until 9pm on Thurs and this weeks even worse, leaving 7am on Tuesday and back on Friday late
I'm struggling. Just trying to focus on the fact its a well paid job and we are appreciating the money at the moment. I've been working at least an extra 8, up to 14 hours a week (no extra pay as I'm salaried) - we've put forward a case to get some extra resource as it can't go on like this.
Love reading all the updates but have a new phone i'm getting used to and it takes forever for me to type at the moment haha.
Trix - only a few more days til you find out now!! Eeek.
Stranj, sorry to hear you're worried again. If it's something that's really playing on your mind can you get her checked out again to reassure you either way? Erin's speech is really advanced for her age so I wouldn't compare here, but plenty of her nursery friends speech sounds like Giada's or with just a handful of words. How did you find moving her into her own room? Do you miss her or appreciate your own space back again? A bit of both probably.
Hope you're all having a nice weekend, whats everyone up to? x