Hi ladies!
Good news about your scan, Claire. I'm sure I'm going to have the same temptation to find out the sex when we get there! Hopefully it won't just be on display!
Tobaira, that does sound like a scare. FX'd it won't happen again!
Trixie, so hopeful that these few weeks fly by for you. I'm glad to hear you're getting lots of monitoring. That must help a lot.
Stranj, I don't think that the 3D scans are any more dangerous than any other type (which is to say not at all), but I don't know for sure. I definitely want to get one.
As for me, time is till moving waaaay too slowly. I'm really anxious for my 15 week appointment (have them every 4 weeks). I have a friend who lost her baby at that point, so I think once I make it past that, I'll feel a lot more secure. I'm such a worrywort, honestly. I had a pretty bad bloody nose also this weekend. Has anyone had those?? My "What to Expect When You're Expecting" says they are pregnancy related and nothing to worry about if the bleeding stops within 15 minutes, but still, kind of scary!!