congrats claire, super cute name. i really thought i'd have a 6lb baby as im pretty small woman, and we were both 6lb babies, Erin is a little chunky monkey. on friday she had gone past her birth weight (8,5) up to 8lb8. she's feeding well, although at night was every 2 hours which was exhausting as by the time she'd gone back down, i was only getting an hours sleep at a time. working on extending that now, and last night was at least every 3 hours which was better. i am loving being a mummy soooo much, keep staring at her in awe and can't stop kissing and smelling her (her head smells amazing lol)
lady and trix, cute pics of your men, gorgeous little things!!
i cant seem to find the time to come on here much, but hopefully that will improve as theres longer between feeds!
hope everyone is doing well
exciting lilrojo, not long to go now!!!
was thinking what do people think of creating another group for now we have the babies/as the rest do? not quite sure where it should go though, as under baby forums there doesnt seem to be a 'group' section. would love for us all to stay together somehow