I'd have loved to have had either girl or boy. In an ideal world, I would like to have at least one of each just because I can see how lovely it is to have a girl and share girlie things with her, I would love for my partner to experience that with a boy. But if that didn't happen, its not a problem and I certainly wouldn't be disappointed with another girl. And nor would my oh.
Stranj I'm sorry to hear about your knee, that was quite disappointing news to hear, but like trix said, keep hopeful that they come up with a better cure. And sorry to hear about giadas bottom
We're on night 1 of controlled crying tonight. Started off schedule as we were late getting back, was thinking solids at 5, milk feed at 6, then bath and put down awake. She had some solids at 6, tried to start nursing her at 6.30 but she would only take a few minutes. She had trapped wind so played with her til my oh got back from work at 7.30. Managed to get the wind up, and started feed at 8. She fell asleep even though I was trying to keep her awake. She finished feeding at 8.45 so woke her up and burped her. Bathed her, read a story, she was almost falling asleep in my arms so put her in her cot. The crying started. We went in at 2, 5, 10 mins then I noticed she'd pooped from the bad smell, so we changed her and put her back without giving her any fuss, she was crying which was soooo hard. Went in at 5, 10 and 15 min and she fell asleep!!! Only took 45 mins! It was hard but not as hard as we were expecting. I think we'd psyched ourselves up to do it for so long. I'm going to give a dream feed shortly, as she usually wakes for a feed a few hours after going to sleep. Trying not to send mixed messages at the moment (that she can't feed to sleep for bed but can in the night) so will continue controlled crying if she wakes but want to give her some food so I know she's not hungry.
Ooo and she's now lifting her arms when we say all up high. And she's pulling herself to her feet with help if we hold her hands. Starting to strengthen those legs as she hasn't liked standing until now. And she's crawling like a pro lol. Got a cute xmas outfit today will post a pic when she wears it