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CD 1 / 30 OCT Buddies cherished and WANTED!


Well-Known Member
Oct 21, 2008
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This is my second month trying, how about you!
I'm something like a 28-29 day cycle right now - join me! I'll tell you more about what I have planned this month in the next day or so -- I'm currently out of town and short on time, but wanted to get this support going. Here's to BFPs! :bfp:
Hey Ompath sorry to hear she got you too :hugs:
My CD1 was the 29th but can I join you in here please?

This is now our 3rd cycle fingers crossed for this month x

Good luck everyone x
how are you doing buddy?

Well what do you know, my CD1 is 28 October so close. As you may remember, I'm not ttc yet but getting some cycle buddies ready would be good (if you guys don't mind):) I have also replied to another thread here as she was 27 Oct.

Hey Poshie
I'm ok thanks x just got to stay positive & carry on as hard as it is x x x x
and of course we dont mind you being here hun :hugs: x x x x
my cd1 should be tomorrow or so, (I can feel it coming :( ) can i join anyway? i can't way for the new cycle to begin, I have to catch it this time!
Hi All :)

I didn't drop off the earth! I was out of town this last week and started this thread while I was gone -- anyone who wants to be in the group can, of course! It's not my group, but ours! How is everybody? I am on CD5 and trying to decide if I am going to do the Clomid. I would be doing it on my own, without doctor assistance...I need to decide today.
Hey guys CD7 for me today & the :witch: has finally left so hoping for some :sex: tonight :happydance:
Hope everyone is well
Hi Reedy :)

I'm CD 6 and looking forward to BDing, if not for the sheer fun of it :)

Got about 5 days before we start getting to it for real, again.. :rofl:
Hey well thought AF had gone but starting bleeding again last night, wiped this morning & I had a lot of really dark red/brown blood (TMI sorry) I'm confused.com :hissy: and Now DH is on nights so wont get any action till friday
Dontcha love it? That crap happens to me too. I stopped my period 2 days ago (2 days shorter than normal..) and no sign of a re-intro, but it's happens more than half of the time. sigh. I feel for you!
thank Ompath x
well its still there although think its finally going as its now gone to being like light brown CM x
also still feeling really sick I havent eaten much in the past week or so bcus everything makes me want to throw up maybe its this stupid bug thats going around bleurgh :hissy:
Hey all I had CD1 on the 29th. I had a tough time last cycle which lasted 77 days. Thankfully Porvera helped bring it on so I can have a good cycle this month. I am normally a 29-33 day cycle gal but it can vary. FF says I O between CD 16 and 22 so I am going to try OPKS this month and see if they work. Here are to some :bfp: s at the end of this month.
Look at my ticker!!! Can I join????
Guide me I'm lost lol
Welcome SRM0421 and PrettyBonk! The more the merrier!

Prettybonk, you look like you have it alright -- where do you need help?

Oh - I see :)

You should try out a site called: fertilityfriend.com

there are tutorials and such -- with a 28 day cycle, perhaps you ovulate around the 14th? I'd BD personally (cause I'm the same) from the 11th to 17th, if you can get it going every day like that! But, you really have to figure out when you are personally fertile, which is no easy answer. I suggest reading around everywhere on FF and this site, as you'll pick up things here and there. Good luck!
I've been studying my body for a long time and I know when I'm about to ovulate and when I ovulate...however, I can't always know dates :( the :witch: likes to be 2 days early or 2 days late (going with my 28 day cycle)
Sorry I'm still learning BNB lingo hee hee
This is my second cycle ttc...a bit frustrated bc with my 2 children was one time :sex: unprotected and :spermy: found it's way lol

This should be a happy time for me TTC and I'm so sad and I :cry: I want a baby so bad...I've never wanted a baby this bad probably because I'm a woman now and no longer a girl and I know what it is to be a mom and to have a little person in you and love them so much and oghh when you hold the baby for the first time and when you enjoy every second while they grow!!!!!
...I know I'm going to appreciate and enjoy being pregnant more!!!! and I look forward to labor pains!!!

I thought I'd get my :bfp: on the 30th and the damn :witch: came..I really hope it happens soon...I mean I'm older but I am still young and I also had cryo done due to unknown abnormal paps :( (abnormal Cervical cells run in my family...we all test abnormal but negative on HPV and Cancer....thank God)...so I am scare that these are minimizing my chances to get preggy :(
I'm just going to keep doing the :happydance: and see what happens...oh gotta watch Josh and Kate plus 8...lol :hug:
welcome to this month Cycle buddies Prettybonk & srm0421
Fingers crossed we all get our :bfp:
Thanks for the warm welcomes. I am probably going to be a little confused this cycle. Last cycle I had a bad one coming off BCP and trying to see if my body had changed after I had my son. This cycle does not seem to be any different. My temps are high for the CD I am on so I do not know what to expect. Glad I have some buddies to get me through this cycle.
CD11 here, waiting for the O, and my ovaries, both, I'm-a-feeling...the Clomid, I'm pretty sure. So, we've been BDing once a day the past 2 days and can keep it up through Wednesday, but super early Thursday morning I have to get on a plane out of town for a week. Maybe the altitude will help? Hinder?

Hows everybody faring?:boat:
I am unsure but I think I might be getting ready to O. :sex: last night and elevated but my temp dipped today so I am hoping it is going to rise tomorrow and FF will say I Oed. Will :sex: tonight too just to cover my bases but I really hope I can just get my body back on track. I really want a :bfp: for x-mas but if I get a :bfn: but my body Oed and :witch: came after "normal" LP I will still be a little happy.
I started BD last night!!!
might be to early and my oh and I aren't going to be together these days :(
My mom is in Vacation so I promise her I'd stay home to take care of my dad and my youngest brother who are unacaplable of taking care of themselves...ugh :(
I'm going to have to take a cab to my OH gave sex n take a cab back to my dad's lol
Fingers crossed for everyone!!!!!
I want my BFP to give as a gift to Hubby in Xmas.

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