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CD 1 / 30 OCT Buddies cherished and WANTED!

I'm going to have to take a cab to my OH gave sex n take a cab back to my dad's lol

That is so funny PrettyBonk! My DH and I started the day before last, and were going to last night but we just were on other worlds so didn't happen. About to do the deed today as we both have a bit of time. I am totally feeling the O coming. CM is great, cervix position, all that. I think the clomid hit both ovaries as I feel it on both sides. We only have today plus 2 days to make this work, so here's hoping!
hey girls
feel like I'm ov'ing & DH isnt back until wednesday :cry: although feel I ov'd over the weekend & we bd'd on friday afternoon so here's hoping we still have a chance x
Aaw, reedy.... did you take an OPK???

I took one this morning and it was considered neg...but we BDd .. it was on the darer side of neg.
Tonight, it is def positive, so I am Oing early.
Hey Ompath
No didnt use an OPK, we've only been ttc for 3 months dont really want to do that just yet x might use them if we're still trying after 6 months x
ok soooooooo My VD is looking good (very wet a lot but still white..no change in my cervix yet :( I hope it changes soon)and I feel my ovaries so that means it's coming soon!!!! Well hopefully... I'm going to my OH tomorrow for more bd...
fingers crossed for all of us girls!!!!!
My body is on point girls...I'm getting little cramps on my left side and my cervix is softening and opening up...yo bad I'm not gonna be wit hubby tonight oh but hell yeah for tommorrow!!!!
I hope it is not too late tomoorow :(
Can I join in? CD1 for me was Oct. 30th. I'm a LTTTCer, been trying for 23 months. OMPATH!! You are doing Clomid on your own? How does that work? Do you know if you were OVing or not before you started taking it? Did you buy it online? I've really been thinking about doing that too, but I thought most people went thru the Dr.
Any info would be great.
DPO5 was today, temp still raised, tho there was a dip yesterday at DPO4, makes me wonder as today I was WIPED out. I got up at 5am, got ready, ate breakfast, did some computer stuff then BAM, 8 am I was overcome with exhaustion. I layed down in my hotel room and slept until 11am, nearly missing the rest of the conference (but today was some review). I had a headache this morning, which I hadn't had before, I took 500mg tylenol at 8am, then another at 12. Drank lots of water. I'm looking at these as good signs, as this is not how I normally live life, but time will tell!. The stomach bloating has lessened, but I am eating more than normal. Usually I'm good for (decaf) coffee and a little oatmeal or granola bar or banana until lunch, then eat a big lunch, but I've been eating breakfast, lunch and dinner.

Evil 'lil 2ww! How likely is a 4DPO implant?

(RE: Clomid -- yup, on my own. Healthy, lots of research on it all, I suggest you take the time to really read about the possibilities on all sides and come to an approach- or not - that you feel comfortable with. I ordered the pills from mexico for what would be about 22 quid for 30 50mg pills)
How is everybody doing? A little quiet around here...

8DPO today and FFs pregnancy monitor has given me 93 points...
Looks like I might be heading into triphasic? I KNOW I felt implantation yesterday. It's really neat to feel things within the timeframe that is predicted.
Tested today, because I just can't help it -- and it actually calms me to get it out of the way. BFN, of course. I do have high hopes and am just trying to get some stuff done while I have some energy this morning. I have been wiped out the past day and 1/2, and last saturday I was also totally gone. Just taking those multis and eating well (and a lot -- not like me!)
I ovulated late I think...I was getting my o symptoms and they just stopped then I think I ovulated like 5 days late which it suck because I ovulated in the middle of the week (tuesday or wednesday) which I have no time (get home at 6pm from work, take my son to martial art classes, go to my parents house to cook for my dad cause my mother in on vacation, get home to my oh to wait for my little devil of a daughter lol to fall asleep grrrr) and ended up :sex: late at night on my suspected o day :(
I hope it wasn't too late...
I had sex friday night, sunday, and tuesday...do you think I hd sex on the right days? :(
I hope so because I can take this anymore :(
How is everybody doing? A little quiet around here...

8DPO today and FFs pregnancy monitor has given me 93 points...
Looks like I might be heading into triphasic? I KNOW I felt implantation yesterday. It's really neat to feel things within the timeframe that is predicted.
Tested today, because I just can't help it -- and it actually calms me to get it out of the way. BFN, of course. I do have high hopes and am just trying to get some stuff done while I have some energy this morning. I have been wiped out the past day and 1/2, and last saturday I was also totally gone. Just taking those multis and eating well (and a lot -- not like me!)

Good luck
Hi Girls,

Can I join you all please - i'm on CD23 aswell - AF arrived on the 30th October but really hoping that this is the month but not convinced as got no symptoms of a :bfp: :dohh:

I have noticed that a couple of you have pregnancy tickers - congratulations girls x

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