CD 2 after a chemical, looking for similar buddies!


One pink, one blue
Jan 8, 2013
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So, on Sunday I thought all my dreams had come true!! Yesterday, they came crashing down!! Today have done another CBD (just to confirm) and its confirmed... the 'pregnant 2-3', is now 'not pregnant'. My OH doesnt really understand, hes supportive but says theres always next month. My best mate (who started TTC after me) is 17 weeks pregnant and so is not really the appropriate person for me to offload on. And everyone else didnt know about the pregnancy in the first place!! Looking for buddies who are in the midst of a similar situation to have a general whinge with lol!
Thanks ladies :hugs::hugs:
I had the same thing happen to me last month. The pregnancy was a total surprise, and I went from scared to ok, and to happy and excited all in one week, and then miscarried a week after we found out. That was my first miscarriage, so I took it pretty hard, and got so mad every time someone would say "It was just a chemical pregnancy, it wasn't even a baby yet". I was only 5 wks, so my obgyn told me we could try again whenever we got ready. We weren't planning it, but that pregnancy made us realize how much we wanted another one so now we're trying again. I'm on CD 26, have been taking early preg tests but all have been negative so far. AF is due Friday or Saturday, hoping I get a line in the next couple days.
Ill keep my fingers crossed for you hunni! I dont care what anyone says, once youve seen the positive pregnancy test your whole world seems to fall into place,. You begin to plan, fantasize, and create a whole life for that potential baby in your mind. It doesnt matter how short lived that is, it hurts just as bad to have it whipped away! Infact, I really am not a fan of the term 'chemical', as it detracts from the sense of loss you inevitably feel! When I had my mmc, it was worse in the fact that I had to have a D&C, but the loss was equal to that I feel this time! The only difference was with my other mc people already knew, whereas this time I have to go through it without letting on!!
I am pleased to see your doc advised you to go for it as soon as you like! I went to the docs to ask their advise and they sent me packing! They basically said I had had a chemical, and there was nothing they could do, they wouldnt even take my bloods to check and told me to do a pregnancy test at home to confirm the loss!!! I found this difficult in that it offers no closure!
Please let me know how you get on BFP wise. It would be a great inspiration to me to hear that it can happen straight away!
Good luck xxx:hugs:
Thanks! I'm glad someone agrees, I hate the term "chemical". I didn't have to have a DNC, and within 1 day my HCG was already back to 0, so my doc said the only reason he would advise me to wait would be if I wasn't emotionally ready. I'm keeping my fingers crossed, but I'm getting discouraged since I'm on;y 2-3 days away from starting and still getting BFN. But there are lots of stories on here about other women who don't get BFP until later, so that gives me some hope. Good luck to you too! I know it can happen!!
i have been pregnant three times now (the 2 mcs plus a gorgeous 4 yr old) and have never had a bfp or pregnancy symptom before the date af is due so pls dont give up hope till she arrives! in fact the only reason i had an incling this cycle was because it was the first time since stopping bc that i had felt nothing in my tww. ut really isnt over till its over!! my bleeding has already all but fizzled out (sorry tmi) so am looking forward to starting afresh. thank you, you have given me some hope today. i really will keep everything x for you, let me know how your testing ends up going!! xx
Today I took two if the Walmart cheapies, both showed a really faint line. I wasn't sure if they were both evaporation lines or not though. When I came home from work I took a digital just for curiosity sake, & it said not pregnant. Took my daughter to softball practice, & a couple hours, & yes it was only 2 hours, I took another one because I started getting nauseas & I just got "a feeling" & wanted to test again. It said Pregnant!! I'm on my cell phone now, so I can't upload the pic until morning. I just hope this one sticks!
hey hun, i kinda have the same situation currently TTC after 9 months due to a missed miss carriage at 13 weeks but found out it was a blighted ovum :( in December i had a positive test one day then went to the doctors and it he said negative so i had a u/s and just a ting sac so had to pass that, i know what your going through hun.
im here for u to vent and moan to :)
hope u get a BFP soon x
Today I took two if the Walmart cheapies, both showed a really faint line. I wasn't sure if they were both evaporation lines or not though. When I came home from work I took a digital just for curiosity sake, & it said not pregnant. Took my daughter to softball practice, & a couple hours, & yes it was only 2 hours, I took another one because I started getting nauseas & I just got "a feeling" & wanted to test again. It said Pregnant!! I'm on my cell phone now, so I can't upload the pic until morning. I just hope this one sticks!

Ill keep everything crossed for you!!!! Please keep me posted xx:happydance:
hey hun, i kinda have the same situation currently TTC after 9 months due to a missed miss carriage at 13 weeks but found out it was a blighted ovum :( in December i had a positive test one day then went to the doctors and it he said negative so i had a u/s and just a ting sac so had to pass that, i know what your going through hun.
im here for u to vent and moan to :)
hope u get a BFP soon x

Ahh thanks, you too! Its crappy isnt it? I just cant stop thinking that Ive had 3 pregnancies (2 of which have been mc) which makes me feel like the odds are stacked against me!! Sorry you had to go through that, the same counts if you need a whinge or anything! Isnt this site great? I dont know what I would do without it really! There is always someone who feels the same way you are, and sometimes talking to a stranger is easier than spilling your emotions and upsetting those closest to you! Heres to BFPs all round!! xxxx:hugs:
Hi, the exact thing happened to me. My DH and I were on our ttc cycle#4 and on 3/17 I got my first ever BFP:bfp: I couldn't believe it. We were so happy! The planning began! I am poas addict, so I took a test every day--it was so amazing to see the second line and “pregnant". On 3/22 I woke up to some spotting. Went to the doctor and by that afternoon my Hcg level was down to 5. By that night, my hpt was already negative. We are so devastated! I'm 36 and I am so worried that this won't happen for us. Argh! My AF came later that day with a vengeance. Here we go again...
Hi, the exact thing happened to me. My DH and I were on our ttc cycle#4 and on 3/17 I got my first ever BFP:bfp: I couldn't believe it. We were so happy! The planning began! I am poas addict, so I took a test every day--it was so amazing to see the second line and “pregnant". On 3/22 I woke up to some spotting. Went to the doctor and by that afternoon my Hcg level was down to 5. By that night, my hpt was already negative. We are so devastated! I'm 36 and I am so worried that this won't happen for us. Argh! My AF came later that day with a vengeance. Here we go again...

Ahh Im so sorry hun, it really is crappy isnt it? Im 31, so I know what it feels like to have that slight little bit of added pressure age wise! A close friend of mine (whos 32) went to the docs recently as she has been trying for quite some time, and they told her to ignore all the rubbish spouted about being in your 30s and that it is just as likely to happen!
I know how awful you must be feeling, in some ways I think my early miscarriage was worse than my later one (not physically, but from the fact that you havent yet told people so you have to go through the grief in silence!) I have tried to pick myself up by thinking of this as a new cycle and a new opportunity, rather than something lost (easier said than done, I know).
Put it this way, if I had never had my first MC, I wouldnt have my lovely 4yo daughter now! Its very hard to think about it this way now I know, but hopefully youll get another BFP very soon and it will make it easier to bare!
Good luck xxx:hugs:
Thanks so much. I can't believe how many women on here are going through the same things we are. I was so sad when we mc, you're so right. The toughest thing is that we don't have anyone to talk to. Thanks for starting this thread! It helps to know that you understand how it feels. I tried not to allow myself get over excited. I know the first week stats are not great. I just started dreaming away as soon as I read the word pregnant!

The thing that keeps me hopeful is I've heard after an early mc you have a higher chance of getting bfp oecause your body is already ready to be pregnant. Fx for all of us!!!

I've always had really strange cycles. I ovulate typically on CD5-6. Based on my history, I should o tonight (didn't happen) or tomorrow. My guess is that my cycle is all messed up this time.
Thanks so much. I can't believe how many women on here are going through the same things we are. I was so sad when we mc, you're so right. The toughest thing is that we don't have anyone to talk to. Thanks for starting this thread! It helps to know that you understand how it feels. I tried not to allow myself get over excited. I know the first week stats are not great. I just started dreaming away as soon as I read the word pregnant!

The thing that keeps me hopeful is I've heard after an early mc you have a higher chance of getting bfp oecause your body is already ready to be pregnant. Fx for all of us!!!

I've always had really strange cycles. I ovulate typically on CD5-6. Based on my history, I should o tonight (didn't happen) or tomorrow. My guess is that my cycle is all messed up this time.

Oh wow, Im the opposite! I usually O CD21/22 (or even later)! If only we could all have those textbook 28 day cycles eh?
Ive heard that thing about the body being 'primed' for pregnancy by an early loss. Its good to have a little bit of hope to hold onto isnt it?
As for getting your hopes up as soon as you get that BFP, it is only natural, and I (like you) was guilty of planning a whole life on the outcome of that one test, so dont beat yourself up about that! It just makes it crueller to have had a positive test at all; I think I would rather have had BFNs and just been able to have put things down to a late AF. It also makes the next time feel really tenuous! After my first mc, I spent the first 3 months of my pregnancy with my daughter literally afraid to sneeze, incase she popped out (stupid, right?) I think we just need to try to trust mother nature that when the time is right it will happen properly.
Anyway, you dont want to be reading this thread if your egg is around today! GET BUSY lol! :sex:
Lets keep this one going, I for one might need a bit of a pick me up this cycle, so nice to have someone in the same shoes to have a whinge at (if you dont mind!)
Good luck with your BDing, hope it works for you this time!!! xxx
Hi! I sure don't mind, whine away! Hopefully you won't mind if I whine too

I'm so frustrated at myself!! So, I'm a couple days late from my normal o time. I bought the new Clear Blue advanced opk tests. Have you seen them? Anyway, they measure estrogen and your LH surge. I got my blinking smiley today which means I will LH surge tomorrow. The booklet says BD tonight and within the next two days. My DH was game so off we went... TMI (sorry!) But holy crap I was as dry as the Sahara! Without even thinking about it I grabbed some old KY warming liquid. :dohh: Apparently that will slow down and damage sperm and is not recommended at all when ttc. Big bummer. :growlmad::growlmad: Wish I would've thought of that sooner! Guess I'll be heading to the drugstore tomorrow to buy Pre-Seed. This whole sex on demand thing is kinda messing with my sex drive.

Where are you in your cycle now? Hopefully you will be able to BD soon!!

Thanks for letting me whine.
Hi! I sure don't mind, whine away! Hopefully you won't mind if I whine too

I'm so frustrated at myself!! So, I'm a couple days late from my normal o time. I bought the new Clear Blue advanced opk tests. Have you seen them? Anyway, they measure estrogen and your LH surge. I got my blinking smiley today which means I will LH surge tomorrow. The booklet says BD tonight and within the next two days. My DH was game so off we went... TMI (sorry!) But holy crap I was as dry as the Sahara! Without even thinking about it I grabbed some old KY warming liquid. :dohh: Apparently that will slow down and damage sperm and is not recommended at all when ttc. Big bummer. :growlmad::growlmad: Wish I would've thought of that sooner! Guess I'll be heading to the drugstore tomorrow to buy Pre-Seed. This whole sex on demand thing is kinda messing with my sex drive.

Where are you in your cycle now? Hopefully you will be able to BD soon!!

Thanks for letting me whine.

You are more than welcome lol! I have no idea where I am in my cycle, so far no luck with OPKs. I have not seen those advanced ones! Where did you pick those up from? Id defo love to have a go on those; I am a committed POAS addict, and am miffed at myself for not knowing about a new wee based product to obsess over!!
I shouldnt worry re the lube incident, sounds like you still have time to get some baby making in (and of course it only takes one sperm) so I should go go go! :blush:I completely know what you mean about TTC playing havoc with your sex drive; it puts a lot of pressure on both you and your partner. Hopefully it wont be long now til we all get BFPs and sex can go back to being spontaneous fun, rather than a regimented chore!
Good luck with your BDing, I have everything crossed for you. Hopefully I wont be too long behind x:winkwink:
Hi there! How are you today? Sorry I was offline yesterday, I was so exhausted, work kicked my butt!!! I will post more later, I just wanted to check in.
So I went to the drugstore yesterday to buy Pre-Seed. Holy crap!! That stuff is expensive! I ended up walking around the store trying to find something else to buy so I didn't feel dumb when I went through the check out :blush: I had to suffer (grin) and buy myself some Godiva caramels. Tee Hee!!

The Clearblue tests that I'm using I found at WalMart. I took a picture of the box but it's on my phone--if I can figure out how to post the picture I'll show you what it looks like. I'm still testing as an estrogen surge--strange. I should have had my LH surge a few days ago. I think the chemical is still messing up my system. It makes sense, I guess. I just wish I could figure out what is going on with my body!

Have you heard of Maca? It is a supplement that they talk about a lot on the poas forum that I read. Some of the girls have had a lot of success (bfp!!) with it. I think I may look into it.

Anyway, I hope all is well with you. Fingers crossed for both of us!!
So I went to the drugstore yesterday to buy Pre-Seed. Holy crap!! That stuff is expensive! I ended up walking around the store trying to find something else to buy so I didn't feel dumb when I went through the check out :blush: I had to suffer (grin) and buy myself some Godiva caramels. Tee Hee!!

The Clearblue tests that I'm using I found at WalMart. I took a picture of the box but it's on my phone--if I can figure out how to post the picture I'll show you what it looks like. I'm still testing as an estrogen surge--strange. I should have had my LH surge a few days ago. I think the chemical is still messing up my system. It makes sense, I guess. I just wish I could figure out what is going on with my body!

Have you heard of Maca? It is a supplement that they talk about a lot on the poas forum that I read. Some of the girls have had a lot of success (bfp!!) with it. I think I may look into it.

Anyway, I hope all is well with you. Fingers crossed for both of us!!

Hey hun! Sorry had a manic weekend and didnt manage to check in on BNB! I have heard of Maca and have thought about trying it. Apparently it does wonders for your sex drive too so cant be bad!!! As for the OPKs, Im guessing we dont have the posh ones here in the UK yet (sometimes I forget that you ladies are not all just around the corner from me lol!!)
Sorry you havent had your surge yet. I am getting a line on my OPK, but not a positive yet! Maybe we will end up O on the same day, then we can turn this thread into a TWW one! I agree though, I think the CP must have messed us up a bit, at least we have the OPKs to obsess over and keep our TTC brains busy!!!
Sorry again, hope you didnt think I was rude in not replying. Had lots of family and friends to get round over the easter weekend and my OH had to work for some of it, so we have had a bit of a mad house!
Sending you lots and lots of O power! Heres to our easter eggies showing their faces soon!!! xxxxx

Oh, BTW I think there is a way we can 'friend' each other on here! I am going to attempt to set it up (if I can work it out!) Stacie x
Hi Stacie!

No worries! It's good to hear from you! It has been pretty crazy around here as well. My dh and I are heading to Boston tomorrow for a quick weekend getaway. Yay! I've never been out east. If the weather cooperates we are going to visit Salem, Glouchester, and make sure to have some lobster. Yum!

As far as I can tell I haven't had a positive opk yet. I burned through all of the CB tests that I had ($$$!) so I decided to go for the DollarTree cheapies. No luck so far... Stupid pink lines (or lack thereof...) If no "o" then I'll just have to enter the dreaded TWW and cross my fingers! Then we definitely need to be TWW buddies!

My hubby told me on Sunday that he was worried that I'm over-stressing about TTC. :growlmad: I feel like the poas addiction that I'm experiencing is my way of trying to take control of our situation. It's a way to measure/control/understand what's going on with my own system. I hate not knowing what my body is going to do! Argh! Ovulate already!!! He's worried that my "over-stressing" will inhibit conception. :growlmad::growlmad: He is really wonderful and supportive 99.9% of the time, it just feels like he doesn't get it.

Thanks for letting me vent! I'll try to get back to you this weekend, but I don't know how my internet access will be.

Yippie!! The DollarTree opk sticks that I bought just gave me a positive!! AND I have ewcm! DH is going to get lucky tonight! :) Strange, CD13 is really late for me, although it makes me more "normal." Fingers crossed!

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