Can I join you ladies? PCOS, unfortunately not at the beginning of my cycle, I'm at some point of a very long weird cycle, cd53.A little history on me, dh and I have been ttc since we got married July 2013. Cycles were regular 35 day (to the hour). In september, af started to get kind of funky. There is a good chance that I had an early mc in October, although it was never confirmed. Since then, my cycles have varied. I went from December 7 until May 16 with no af. It was in early May that my ob said she thinks it is PCOS, although all my hormones and cbc came back normal. No ultrasound has been done. She put me on Metformin 500mg for the first week and 1000mg after that. After experiencing bad side effects, she wanted me to take the metformin down to just 500mg per day because I'm not actually insulin resistant. So I don't really know what's going on. First cycle on metformin was 45 days, this is my second cycle and its cd53. Looking for any support... Would love some cycle buddies.
babylaw720 I will offer any support that I can. However I have bad news in regards to your OB.
1. Get a new OB. Any OB that gives you metformin and you aren't IR is careless with your health. You shouldn't be taking metformin at all if you aren't insulin resistant.
1b. You can have PCOS without having all the symptoms. That's why it is a syndrome. There is a scale to it's severity.
1c. She/He should've done an ultrasound since they didn't do bloodwork.
1d. She started you at much too high a dose for not having done bloodwork.
2. Never go 60 days without :AF: UNLESS you're breatsfeeding. BF can cause wacky cycles.
3. Get a Basal Body Thermomether, download fertilityfriend app on your smart phone and start charting if you're not.
4. PCOS may delay ovulation but you can get pregnant with it.
5. I'm sorry about you (possible) loss.