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CD6 18-11-08. Anyone else?


Proud mummy, pg with no 2
Jun 29, 2008
Reaction score

Any one else around the same cycle day and looking for a buddy?

I may have been blind to another thread going on, so if there is, please let me know.

I'm on cycle 18 now, but not giving up hope (just yet!) I'm determined that I will get my Christmas :bfp:

Not much else going on today, cos the :witch: has just retreated. Starting SMEP on Thursday - may even try the temping too.

Look forward to hearing from someone/anyone!!!

HI IM on day 7 of a 28 -34 cycle would love to be your cycle friend . i have been trying for a:bfp: for 5 months now and im really hoping for xmas:bfp: so lets hope we both get our:bfp: for xmas send lots of baby:dust: for you gem x
Hi girlies

Am a little bit ahead of you, (on cd 9 18th Nov) but would love to join in..

On cycle 3 of ttc, so still quite new to this. Not tried temping but already getting obsessed with opks this month (too early I know!)

Sending lots of :dust: to all. Xmas :bfp: all round

Hello! I'm on CD8 of a very regular 30 day cycle. It's only my first month of ttc, so this is all very new to me! Fingers crossed for Christmas BFPs all round! xx
hi again would be great it we all kept each other update on this post on how were feeling . would be great to talk to people who are going though the same .this is my 5th month of trying and all ready driving me mad :bfp: all round for xmas than:hug: to all gem
Yea Ladies!! I think we've got ourselves a little buddies group going on!

Well I'm a nada-ville at the mo, cos planning to start SMEP tomorrow CD8.

It's difficult to resist OH and the draw of babymaking, but this cycle I'm determined to get my crimbo bean. After 18 of the darn things, I think I'm just about due one!!! :rofl:

So what's the plan for this cycle with you guys? Any chanting to fertility gods? SMEP? Vits & Supps? Turkey basters? :rofl::rofl::rofl:

Hope you're all having a good day

Big :hug:
hi Hun I'm also really hoping for xmas bean so lots baby dust for I'm on day 8 today me and oh are just gonna have :sex: ever other day so there no chance i can miss it this month. not very good at short hand so don't know want smep is hun (sorry new to this)we are both taking supps. i really hope you get your xmas bean gonna start ovulation test on Saturday. here to lots of:bfp: this month gem :hug:
Hi all

My tactics this month are -

Keep moaning at dh to remember vits...
opks from tomorrow (have got a big supply!)
:sex: every day for the next week
pillow under bum
everything crossed!!!

Good luck girls, sending lots of :dust: for Xmas :bfp:

Mrs G - On the whole nagging re vits and OH's - I struggle with that too. Mine hates them. I have just been to Boots to get more EPO & vits for me and they're giving away "energy level" supps with the 3 for 2 offer. They're disolvable and they have all the vits (B, C no A etc) but also include the zinc, calcium needed for the :spermy:! And to top it they taste of orange! Hoping this will improve my chances of getting them down OH's "gregory peck"

Here's hoping!!!

Lots of :dust: for a bumper batch of Xmas beans

Mine thinks forgetting for a week, then taking 5 at a time makes up for it!!
Disguising them as orange - good plan... anyone would think we were already looking after babies!!

Hun, can I ask what your last signature is about?

Mine has point blank refused any pills - little does he know that the increase in protein is a cunning plot to get some zinc inside him!
what us woman have to do . there only have to go though the fun bit. it us who have to do all the work. whats a few pills :hug:
I am on cd 8 today so I guess I am with all of you this cycle. My cycles range from 32-35 days usually but my last one was 47 or so... dues to stress and travel... otherwise I am usually pretty normal.
Morning Ladies,

Readyforbaby - Welcome along!!

I love the cunning plots, I do that with our food too! Have got him eating asparagus, brocolli, wonders will never cease!

I know what you mean about the pills, I can't believe that in reality I consider this a triumph! I think about how much effort is required from our side and just getting them to help things along a bit, it's a huge effort for just 10 secs of their time! Men, eh?

The signature is a fertility god I found on website. Originally found Kokopelli, but that one didn't work, so figured I try a goddess instead. She's a bit rubbish too, may have to scrap her for another. How fickle, eh? Just a bit of fun really

The SMEP is the sperm meets egg plan. You can search it on the forum or google it. Some people says it works, others don't. I think it helps if you now when you O and have regular'ish cycles. Every other day from CD8 and start taking OPK's from day 10, then when first + eevery day for 3 days, miss a day, then again. Anything's worth a go! Just hope OH doesn't grumble about performing to schedule!!!

So let the babymaking begin!!!!!

Lots of :dust::dust::dust: to all

Big :hug:
hi all my oh starting saying it all to planed out ant thinks we should just go with flow . men just dont understand . well my doest any way . ive told him it will all be worth it . and is getting better now. any way lets hope it wont be to long now anyway.l gonna start my opks on saturday. ill keep u updated gem :hug: and baby :dust: heres to xmas:bfp: all round
Hi ladies

Little update - cd11 today, digi opk neg this morning and cheapie internet one neg just now...:cry:

Think I might be a bit early to test, gonna try again in the morning but feeling grumpy!!! :growlmad:

Like the idea of fertility goddess, gotta be worth a try. Near to where I live there is chalk figure carved in the hill which is supposed to be a pagan fertility symbol. Apparently if you :sex: on his man bits it's supposed to bring babies... Is ttc worth getting arrested for???!! I guess November is not the best month to choose!

Brr... You'd be much braver than me if you considered that Mrs G! Brings new meaning to the idea of over exposure!

Good luck with the SMEP Nicnac - I've heard good reports about it being effective, so fingers crossed! xx
Like the sound of smep, do you think it works if I start half way through??!

Just need to get pos opk... nothing today, on cd 12...

Lots of luck ladies:hugs:
Like the sound of smep, do you think it works if I start half way through??!

Just need to get pos opk... nothing today, on cd 12...

Lots of luck ladies:hugs:

hi girls i'm also have started doing smep that's hope it work for us . i so really want my:bfp: this month please . sorry gonna have mone now but every one round be is preg or just baby even work people sime to ask me if we sell mertnity stuff . i feel like there rubbing it in so no there not but just want it to be mine turn i keep thinking im never gonna get my:bfp: .and my little girl who is nearly 4 keeps telling me she wants to be a big sister . all my friends are sisers she says just go get one mummy.:rofl:
How are you all today ladies? It's a beautiful day here, and I've been looking at all sorts of baby furniture and imagining making a nursery. I'm hoping that having a positive attitude will help with getting that Christmas BFP! xx

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