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CD6 18-11-08. Anyone else?

Like your attitiude tracey!! Good luck
morning girls just thouht id pop in and see how every one is going hope every one is good . well im still trying to o smep going so far. but cant shack the feeling that im not gonna get my :bfp: this month feeling a bit like this :muaha: im trying to give myself pmi . well i have not got + opk yet so maybe im not trying to get my hopes up. how are you :hugs: to every one hoping for xmas :bfp: :witch: stay away gemx
I'm with you on the lack of opk positives... Oh well, kep trying just in case.

:dust::dust::dust: for all!!!
hi girls how you all felling today

im ok on cd 14 now dont think i have ov yet should be any time in text few days (hope so any way) last month it was about day 19.

any last night got so spotting it cazy dont no wants gonna on..

any way hoe you all ok were you up to.

here to the:witch: away and:bfp: all round please :bfp::hug:
Morning Ladies

Sorry for my absence the last couple of days...have been on a mini break!!

Got plently of the ole :sex: in whilst away...and yesterday got a + OPK!!! :happydance::happydance: Cue impromptu :sex: in the kitchen!!!!! (Sorry tmi)

So another OPK test later and hopefully another BD today, and hopefully I'm doing all I can to get my Xmas bean!!!!

Getting very excited now...woooooo hooooooo

Hope all is well with you ladies

hey girls, i know i'm a bit late but can I join you? I'm really hoping for my xmas :bfp: as we all are i imagine! how did the smep plan go - you knackered?! lol

So what date are we all testing? I'm a POAS addict but i am determined not too test until at least the day af is due!


Hey JLS...the more the merrier, jump on board!!!

The SMEP didn't go exactly to plan, but did manage to BD on the OPK + days, so crossing fingers, toes, eyes and legs (now!!)

Only 7 days for testing for me and have been so up and down with my moods it's unbelievable. Some days I convinced that my symptoms are PG ones, the next I think it's the :witch: bitch with her "not so funny" games. Just wish I could fast forward!

Where are you in your cycle? How many days to testing? I wasn't a POAS addict before, but the latest batch of IC's turned up yesterday, and well it would have been rude not to, eh? :rofl: :bfn:, but was to be expected!!!

Think I might have another go tomorrow morning, and the day after and the day after!!!

Hope you're feeling good

I'm good - dreading this the harsh weather that forecast for tonight!I love snow, just not when I have to drive to work! How are you?

my cycle is usually 28 days (31 if i'm stressed!) so AF is due wednesday 10th-ish so i am trying to hold off til at least then, is that when af is due for you too? I find that once i start peeing on a stick i can't stop so am trying to exercise some will power........!the wee voices in my head are screaming - NOT GOING TO HAPPEN!!!!!

cycles are just the craziest inventions - out of 28 days lets make roughly 25 of them in total a waiting game - what's that about? if i ruled the world......!

HI GIRLS 7 days for me till testing to im not to hopfuly though
AF is due next Wednesday for me too, but I was originally planning not to test until the weekend. I don't think I'll have the willpower! The waiting is rubbish isn't it?
AF is due next Wednesday for me too, but I was originally planning not to test until the weekend. I don't think I'll have the willpower! The waiting is rubbish isn't it?

me to babe but gonna test next wenesday babe not to hopeful but got every thing crossed :dust: all round
Hola Senoritas

6 days to testing!!!!! (for me!) and I managed not to succumb this morning! :happydance: Yea me! Though it may be because my FMU would have been at 2am and I could barely open my eyes let alone open HPK, sit and look for lines!!

Symptom wise, have v sore BB's, a bit of CM, but it comes and goes, constipation (sorry tmi) and a bit teary at 6am. Very hungry too, woke me up at 6.30am with a very grumbly tummy (how rude!)

Anyone else spotting to the max?

Quick confession......

Gonna test tomorrow!! 9dpo may be early I know, but the way my bb's are feeling and the pains into the armpits is so unusual, plus the lack of no 2's...just feel the need to test with some fmu!

Fully expecting a :bfn: as it's still to early, but I feel the need!

Confession over!!! :rofl:

Was :bfn:, but you know I don't feel bad, upset or anything....just a bit silly for testing early!

Try again tomorrow!!!!!

Anyone esle sucumbed? Or am I the only weak one? :rofl:

Hope everyone has a good day!!

Was :bfn:, but you know I don't feel bad, upset or anything....just a bit silly for testing early!

Try again tomorrow!!!!!

Anyone esle sucumbed? Or am I the only weak one? :rofl:

Hope everyone has a good day!!


hi tested today hun to also got :bfn: but still dont dont think im gonna get my :bfp: this month im 9 dpo good luck to you hun xxx
Hello ladeez!

sorry for ur bfns girls, i always get so down when I see them so am really exercising my willpower - its so hard! I am actually shocked at how well i am doing not testing (grab hold/touch wood). I am also TRYING not to sympton spot, previously i think any symptons I have had have been in my head - oh my god what does ttc do to us!!!!!

I have a feeling it's not going to be my month either, i'm generally quite a positive person however I feel that with regards to ttc if you have a negative approach youll never be dissppointed and the bfp will be more of a great surprise! Or mabye i'm just having a tough couple of months!

So have we got our xmas trees up yet? Mines going up tomorrow, I am so excited - I LOVE CHRISTMAS!!!!!

Anyhoo I'd just like to say how i much like having cycle buddies!

god since i posted the previous msg i can't stop thinking about poas. i have sarted down a slippery slope....!:rofl:

Morning Ladies

JLS - resist, resist, resist, resist, resist. Do not sucumb to the darkside!!!!!

I LOVE CHRISTMAS TOO!!!! I was feeling pretty rubbish last night, so OH has promised we can go and get our tree today. I can't wait. Now all we have to do is argue over who decorates it!

I felt the dark forces this morning and tested....:bfn: of course, and now I'm losing the little faith I had. I have a reoccurance of a virus and I think it's clouded my symptoms or stopped them and I feel so un-pg now.

Trying to keep some PMA, but not holding out hope now. Oh well still have my tree to cheer me up.

Loving having cycle buddies too.

Have a fab weekend all

Big Xmas :hug:
Good morning girls!

well i made i thro my first fmu without testing - woohoooo!baby steps....!

my oh promised to get our xmas tree out the loft last nite - we've got a 'slimline' one cos our living room is quite small but we are extending next year so I will definately be getting a real one - they are so much better! Luckily my oh is a bah humbug so i don't have to worry about him wanting to decorate!:rofl:

Yea, got my tree!!!!! Have just unpacked all my decorations (half the fun in my mind) and am just waiting for OH to bring the tree up from the car. Had semi row at garden centre over the price of them, but got my way in the end. Woo-hoo!! Guess that's my OH's bah humbug bit!!

He threatened to dec the tree himself, but the look of horror onmy facemade him recoil!!

On the PMA front, it's back with avengance!! Went to the docs, got sorted with some more tablets and when I got home I had the biggest amount of CM I've ever had, pre O included!!! Guess I'm not out just yet. A few little twingy cramps, but hoping they're pg ones. Guess another test in the morning!

So so bouncy happy at the mo!! My perfect Saturday night, Strictly & X Factor whilst decorating a Christmas Tree. Bliss!!!!

Big :hug:

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