I usually have to take the photo and then crop the hell out of it for it to be a size that'll upload lol.
Hopefully this post won't fail... if it does I won't be pleased!!
Are O pains like cramps or twinges or what? I had cramping the last 2 days, yesterday and the day before, that felt exaaactly like I'd just started AF but obviously I haven't and today I've had a bit of creamy CM followed by EWCM. I've tested about 3 times with OPKs throughout the day and nada
best get BDing if you think you've O'd
doyou tell your OH when you're fertile or do you just jump him at the appropriate times? Lol. Just wondered as I haven't even told OH that I'm using OPKs. I'm not even sure he knows they exist
I don't think he'd like feeling "scheduled"... even though we BD throughout my cycle not just when I know I O. Don't know if it's weird that I don't involve him in that side of things or not?
Wow eggs only live for 12hrs? I assumed it would be longer than that seeing as sperm can survive for dayyys (in the right conditions anyway!). Tbh I don't think they cover that stuff in schools. They cover the basics but don't get too technical. It's so complicated anyway, you'd have to dedicate a whole subject to reproduction lol!
Wow how did you know you were pregnant at 1dpo? I didn't think that was even possible!
Pic below is of this evenings test taken about 6pm. Won't bother adding the others from earlier as theh were all the same lol.
Oh and yeah I think I must have O'd early. That must have been the tail end of the surge I caught the other day which I'm a bit bummed about tbh as we didn't do enough BDing around then. So I don't know where I stand atm!