Ahhhh, I've been so lost all month. I had what I thought was implantation bleeding last month (ovulated around Dec. 5th, IB on the 15 and 16th) and then some crazy symptoms (smell sensitivity, sore bbs, nausea, headache, frequent urination, dry mouth, and a few other things). I thought for sure I was prego. BFN's on all of the tests. Then, my AF visit was late. It finally arrived 5 days later
AF arrived on Christmas Day. I was crushed. Anyway, it ended on Dec. 30th and I have been spotting off an on since then: sometimes red, sometimes brown with CM, and sometimes pink. Usually only when I use tp. I called my primary care physician and got an appointment the other day, telling them that I was spotting and never spot and that I had possibly had a very early pregnancy that "didn't stick". They examined and said my cervix looks kind of like that of a pregnant woman. So, I asked if it was possible that I was pregnant since I had a period. They did swabs, blood, and urine for tests. I did another hpt on my own when I got home and still a BFN. I'm hoping that I am indeed pregnant, but I know the chances are slim to none since I had AF arrive
yes it was heavy like the normal visit and it was 5 days like normal, too. So, chances are slim to none, but has anyone else been sure they had AF and found out that they were indeed pregnant? I have a follow up appt in a few weeks, but I would already be 7 weeks along if I am indeed pregnant, so I kind of feel like I should go in to see the OBGYN if I keep spotting like I am.