Chance of me being 'allowed' a water birth after previous EMCS


Mar 4, 2009
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Well hello all you lovely Csec mummies :)

I am currently pregnant again, and ideally hoping for a water birth (which is what I had planned for my first) ANyone been 'allowed' this by their consultant on previous pregnancies after one section.

I did activly labour with my DD, and was transfered to hospital at 7cm when it was found my DD was breech. By the time we arrived at hosp I was pushing, but DD had pooped, so it was agreed she needed to be out asap so an emergenct csec was performed :(

I have an appointment with consultant at 26weeks, to discuss birthing options etc, but just wondered what others have faced when wanting to go 'natural' next time round. I know she is keen on VBACS, but I do not want a hospital birth iykwim. I am happy to be in hospital, but I do not want to be constantly strapped to a monitor, and unable to move around etc.

I have a feeling I am going to have a fight on my hands to not be strapped down to bed and be forced to labour on my back :wacko: which is my worst nightmare. But obviously I want what is best for my baby, and going to get me a bubba to take home, so if thats how it has to be then so be it

TIA :flower:
It is likely that they will want you in the consultant led unit, constantly monitored, cannula in and possibly an epidural "just in case".:shrug:

However, if you don't want any of that then you are perfectly within your rights to refuse it all.

I have had 2 previous emcs and have been told by a midwife at the hospital that I will be having an elective section as "they won't let me do it any other way!" Err excuse me, whos having this baby, me or the consultant?!:nope:

I see my consultant on 16th March and I will be informing them of my intention to have a home water birth.

Don't feel pressured into anything you don't want to do. It's your baby and you can birth how you want.:hugs:
Thanks for your reply hun. It is good to hear I am not the only one who does not fancy being told what my birth will be like. :winkwink:

I will have to see what she says, and stick to my guns with what I want xx
Hi hannpin, my situation is quite similar to yours.

I had an EMCS with my DD as she was breech, they discovered at 5 cms (I was at home planning a home water birth) and then was at 9 cms by the time I got to have my spinal in.

I def want a VBAC and have an appt with consultant in APril and think, like you, that might have a little fight. I think that most hospitals will be happy for you to have a VBAC if your first section was for breech baby as it's not that you failed to progress or struggled to birth the baby etc. I'm like you though and can't bear the thought of having to be constantly monitored and be lying on a bed as I found movement really helped during labour.

When is your consultant appointment? Will be watching this thread to see if anyone has any experience. I think the thing to remember is that no-one can force you to do anything but it can be difficult to balance what is best for you and best for baby as I guess the only thing we really want is a healthy baby at the end (but ideally not with a horrible labour experience too!!) :shrug: :shrug:
I went for a HBAC with my second. I wrote to the HoM and stated my intentions and that I expected to be supported in my choice. I was supported. I stood my ground and everyone accepted that was my choice. They weren't all happy about it though lol
I went for a HBAC with my second. I wrote to the HoM and stated my intentions and that I expected to be supported in my choice. I was supported. I stood my ground and everyone accepted that was my choice. They weren't all happy about it though lol

Good for you and well done for standing your ground.:thumbup:Lots of women end up caving in as they feel so bullied. I'm glad you got the birth you wanted.:hugs:
Oh I didn't, had to transfer for an em-cs lol. But my labour was great.
The hospital knew that I'd always wanted a home birth with DD but ended up with a Elective C-section due to breech.

They were really nice, when I asked the morning after DD if the next time I can VBAC, and they said they actively encouraged it and even suggested that I water birth, if I was willing to get out periodically to be monitored, cause it helps the scar to stretch and can reduce the risk of rupture.

So I've my fingers crossed for that outcome, and for my third baby (long term planning, I know) if all goes well second time roound, it'll be thumbs up for a home birth.
thanks for your replies ladies. I have consultant appt on 5th April... so will let you all know how I get on :)
I had my first by an emergancey c section due to failure to progress (got to 8cm), so with my second i wanted to go for a vbac. I was put under consultant led care and they were happy for me to go for a vbac however i was not allowed a water birth as they told me it was because i needed to be closely monitored due to previous c section (a small chance of the old scar rupturing during labour), and if anything was to happen it would be quicker to deal with if i wasnt in water than it would be trying to get me out then dealing with it. Also i was told they would not let me go over 2 weeks past my due date, so as my due date arrived and no sign of my daughter i was booked in for another c section 8 days later. This is what happened to me, and i hope you get the birth that you want :flower:
hey hannah, hope your keeping well :hugs:

My first was an emcs due to her dropping down face first after they broke my water, i only got to 6cm. I was desperate to vbac the nxt time round, they weren't too keen on the idea but i stuck to my guns and once they knew i was informed with facts/risks they "allowed" it but i didnt feel supported at all. I went into labour 7days late (the day before i was booked in for section, only allowed to go a week over due date here). I had planned on staying at home for as long as possible but the contractions were unbareable and coming every 90 seconds so it was an ambulance to the hospital. I had managed to get to 6cm so was feeling really positive but from the minute i got into the labour room i was strapped up to that monitor and restricted in movement, after another 2hours i reached 8cm but the pain was sooooo bad but i wanted to just get through it but they scared me into the fact that if i had to go to theatre id be put under general and my husband wouldnt be allowed in so they strongly advised getting the epidural. Although i didnt want it they had scared me so i agreed to it and once that was in labour didnt go past 9cm and after all that hard work i went for my 2nd emcs.

Although iam so glad both made it here safely and i know thats the most important thing i found it soooooo hard to recover from the sections. Iam not one who bounces back well from them at all and the thought of doing it again scares the life out of me but iam now faced with the choice of choosing elective section and have some control of that or again stand my ground to vbac2 and see how it goes having in mind i may well end up in theatre again :shrug::shrug: very confused. Ideally id love to labour in water but noooo way is that allowed in my hospital even after 1 section and iam not confident to hbac so i have alot of thinking to do. The end goal is to get him here the safest way possible and ill do whatever that means.

good luck to everyone in whatever deliveries you have :hugs: xx
hey hannah, hope your keeping well :hugs:

My first was an emcs due to her dropping down face first after they broke my water, i only got to 6cm. I was desperate to vbac the nxt time round, they weren't too keen on the idea but i stuck to my guns and once they knew i was informed with facts/risks they "allowed" it but i didnt feel supported at all. I went into labour 7days late (the day before i was booked in for section, only allowed to go a week over due date here). I had planned on staying at home for as long as possible but the contractions were unbareable and coming every 90 seconds so it was an ambulance to the hospital. I had managed to get to 6cm so was feeling really positive but from the minute i got into the labour room i was strapped up to that monitor and restricted in movement, after another 2hours i reached 8cm but the pain was sooooo bad but i wanted to just get through it but they scared me into the fact that if i had to go to theatre id be put under general and my husband wouldnt be allowed in so they strongly advised getting the epidural. Although i didnt want it they had scared me so i agreed to it and once that was in labour didnt go past 9cm and after all that hard work i went for my 2nd emcs.

Although iam so glad both made it here safely and i know thats the most important thing i found it soooooo hard to recover from the sections. Iam not one who bounces back well from them at all and the thought of doing it again scares the life out of me but iam now faced with the choice of choosing elective section and have some control of that or again stand my ground to vbac2 and see how it goes having in mind i may well end up in theatre again :shrug::shrug: very confused. Ideally id love to labour in water but noooo way is that allowed in my hospital even after 1 section and iam not confident to hbac so i have alot of thinking to do. The end goal is to get him here the safest way possible and ill do whatever that means.

good luck to everyone in whatever deliveries you have :hugs: xx

Have you thought about getting a doula? It sounds like you might really benefit from having one. There's also a really supportive yahoo group called UKVBACHBAC were there are a lot of women that might be able to offer you some great moral and practical support.
hey hannah, hope your keeping well :hugs:

My first was an emcs due to her dropping down face first after they broke my water, i only got to 6cm. I was desperate to vbac the nxt time round, they weren't too keen on the idea but i stuck to my guns and once they knew i was informed with facts/risks they "allowed" it but i didnt feel supported at all. I went into labour 7days late (the day before i was booked in for section, only allowed to go a week over due date here). I had planned on staying at home for as long as possible but the contractions were unbareable and coming every 90 seconds so it was an ambulance to the hospital. I had managed to get to 6cm so was feeling really positive but from the minute i got into the labour room i was strapped up to that monitor and restricted in movement, after another 2hours i reached 8cm but the pain was sooooo bad but i wanted to just get through it but they scared me into the fact that if i had to go to theatre id be put under general and my husband wouldnt be allowed in so they strongly advised getting the epidural. Although i didnt want it they had scared me so i agreed to it and once that was in labour didnt go past 9cm and after all that hard work i went for my 2nd emcs.

Although iam so glad both made it here safely and i know thats the most important thing i found it soooooo hard to recover from the sections. Iam not one who bounces back well from them at all and the thought of doing it again scares the life out of me but iam now faced with the choice of choosing elective section and have some control of that or again stand my ground to vbac2 and see how it goes having in mind i may well end up in theatre again :shrug::shrug: very confused. Ideally id love to labour in water but noooo way is that allowed in my hospital even after 1 section and iam not confident to hbac so i have alot of thinking to do. The end goal is to get him here the safest way possible and ill do whatever that means.

good luck to everyone in whatever deliveries you have :hugs: xx

Have you thought about getting a doula? It sounds like you might really benefit from having one. There's also a really supportive yahoo group called UKVBACHBAC were there are a lot of women that might be able to offer you some great moral and practical support.

Hi, thank you for the info on the group, ill defo check it out :thumbup:. Id never thought of having a doula before, i have had both my hubby and my mum at both labours before as they are very supportive and understanding of me and eachother so i relied on them to get me through but maybe having a doula would be good to. Something i will have a serious think about, thank you again xx
I had a planned section with my 1st daughter due to placenta praevia and when it came to 2nd daughter I opted to try a natural birth. They told me the risks about uterine rupture etc before i made this choice but they told me NOTHING about how labour and birth would need to be managed. 2 weeks before my due date I went to MW with a copy of my birth plan and she basically laughed at it.

I wanted option of birthing pool, staying upright and mobile whenever I could and give birth standing up or kneeling on bed. MW told me I would be on my back, strapped to a monitor which I could only take off when going to the toilet (obviosuly I would have to wait until a MW was free for a minute to help remove it). When I discussed my worries about my back pain and not being able to lie on a bed for long, she told me to get an epidural!

I asked her to phone hospital and change my request to an elective section but she refused. 2 weeks later (and 12 days of contrcations) I literally toook the phone out of her hand and spoke to the consultant myself. I wasn't dilating at all and got my section the following day.
I had a planned section with my 1st daughter due to placenta praevia and when it came to 2nd daughter I opted to try a natural birth. They told me the risks about uterine rupture etc before i made this choice but they told me NOTHING about how labour and birth would need to be managed. 2 weeks before my due date I went to MW with a copy of my birth plan and she basically laughed at it.

I wanted option of birthing pool, staying upright and mobile whenever I could and give birth standing up or kneeling on bed. MW told me I would be on my back, strapped to a monitor which I could only take off when going to the toilet (obviosuly I would have to wait until a MW was free for a minute to help remove it). When I discussed my worries about my back pain and not being able to lie on a bed for long, she told me to get an epidural!

I asked her to phone hospital and change my request to an elective section but she refused. 2 weeks later (and 12 days of contrcations) I literally toook the phone out of her hand and spoke to the consultant myself. I wasn't dilating at all and got my section the following day.

I should say I'm shocked but to be honest I'm not. I'm really sorry you had to go through that. You were basically lied to! Yes it is true that they like you to be on the bed, constantly monitored etc but they cannot and should not force you to do anything you aren't comfortable with. It is your right to birth the way you want and it's horrible that they disregarded your rights like that.:nope:
Annie, so sorry u were treated so badly :hugs:... but your story is exactally what I am imagaining will happen to me... and it is really not what I want. I am gald that they agreed to a section in the end for you iykwim.

and congrats on your new pregnancy :)
I had an EMCS with my first, the whole experience and aftercare was horrendous. I decided on a HWBAC for my second, and after a lot of arguing, no support, threats and lies, I took a loan out for an IM. Before I left the NHS they did offer me intermittent monitoring and a waterbirth at a birthing centre, but I wasn't guaranteed the pool as it may be in use, so I refused. So it is possible to bargain for a more active labour and birth.

I got my HWBAC and it was lovely. I'm now 15 weeks with my third (having another HWBAC), and am back with the NHS. I sorted out exactly what I want to happen, and gave the midwife a run through at my booking appt.
I had an EMCS due to failure to progress (got to 5cm) because Joe was back-to-back and not pressing down well to push my cervix to dilate.

I had a horrendous time in labour so asked for a debrief from the hospital a few months after the birth to try and put my mind at rest about the whole thing and at that we talked about options for any future pregnancies - at my hospital they try to encourage a VBAC but if you want a section then that's fine and you can change your mind pretty much right up until you go into labour. They said they like to continually monitor VBAC ladies but if I refuse it then that is my right - first time round I was strapped to the bed, not even allowed to turn from one side to the other, and refused an epidural as well just to top it all off - and I really don't want a repeat of that! They did say they wouldn't be able to induce or let me labour for as long as I did first time so if I got to a week overdue they would ask me again and probably encourage a section, and if I started having contractions for days like last time, I'd be taken into hospital a lot earlier!
You are 'allowed' to labour how and where you like!

This is your birth and your choice, the consultant will likely throw UR risks your way but remember this is really small less than 0.07%. You don't even HAVE to see the consultant if that is what you want and once you do you may not even want to see him again if he cannot respect your wishes.

There are several ladies on here that have had a HBAC with amazing birth stories, your best chances of a successful VBAC are when you are comfortable and mobile (not strapped to a monitor, flat on your back).

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