Chances Of Me Being Pregnant Again :/ ? *Update pg4*

Aup Ladies!

Right i need some honest opinions please..

Started bleeding on the 17/12/2010 - MC on 18/12/2010 - scan 19/12/2010 showed no heartbeat but baby and sack still there (was 6 weeks) had MC naturally - bleeding was very heavey for 2 weeks.

14/01/2011 i went to have a scan to check everything had gone naturally (it had :( ) that day i had LOADS of ewcm (so guessing i was Ov'ing) me and OH had sex that day and the day after.

Its been 5 weeks this saturday (22/1/2011) since i had my MC (18/12/2010) and still no af.

My question is.. have i worked this out right? i know everyone is different but just wondered if there is ANY chance i could be pregnant again literally straight away? :/

Iv been going to the toilet ALOT and been really cold all the time (which is what happened last time i was pregnant) but if i was Ov'ing like i think on the 14th then it is only 5dpo so its too early int it? :wacko:

Just want some honest answers please, if my workings out are right then if no af by 6 weeks after my MC i might test? should i ? Arggg help please! lol!!


Well, I would go more by the EWCM date then the day you m/c as time from m/c to next AF can vary so much.

If you had EWCM on the 14th, lets just assume you ovulated then on the 15th or 16th. That means that today you are only at most about 4-5 dpo so you wouldn't be late for your period yet, but you certainly do have a chance that you conceived.

I m/c naturally on January 3rd, got my +++ OPK on January 17th, believe I ovulated on the 18th and am now 3 dpo and really praying we are pregnant again.

My m/c was really straight forward thankfully and so we just decided to go for it.

Good Luck hun. You could probably test in another 5-6 days with hopes of seeing a +++
Hi em,
I had a scan on 26th nov to find out the heartbeat had stopped at nearly 12weeks! I went in for a d and c 30th nov and everything went fine... Got my AF 27th dec... But between finshing bleeding after the d and c we tryed again as I heard your more fertile I had lots of cm as well and though maybe it was ovulation, We did the deed anyways around the time of cm and then AF arrived I do think theres a possiblity tho just my month wasnt ment to have been and they didt rech my egg I think:thumbup: xx Lots of luck!! :hugs:

sorry for your loss hun :hugs: hope you get you bfp very soon hunny xxx

Hi Emily. I m/c on 14th December, still no AF or even any sign of AF and, like you, had been having loads of ewcm over weekend of New Year and even a few "symptoms" appearing. However I have tested and definitely BFN. It's such a brain fry isn't it not knowing what dates you should work to etc etc etc. If I'm not blessed this month I just wish AF would show up so I can start all over again and this time I WILL know what dates I am working to.

Hope you get the BFP you want, if not this month then really really soon x
Ooh hun :( its so frustrating int it? i dont know what to expect, i think its just a matter of a waiting game now :growlmad: damnit lol!! some people's bfp can take abit longer to show than others, really hope this is the case for you hun.. you planning on re-testing?? xx

Aup Ladies!

Right i need some honest opinions please..

Started bleeding on the 17/12/2010 - MC on 18/12/2010 - scan 19/12/2010 showed no heartbeat but baby and sack still there (was 6 weeks) had MC naturally - bleeding was very heavey for 2 weeks.

14/01/2011 i went to have a scan to check everything had gone naturally (it had :( ) that day i had LOADS of ewcm (so guessing i was Ov'ing) me and OH had sex that day and the day after.

Its been 5 weeks this saturday (22/1/2011) since i had my MC (18/12/2010) and still no af.

My question is.. have i worked this out right? i know everyone is different but just wondered if there is ANY chance i could be pregnant again literally straight away? :/

Iv been going to the toilet ALOT and been really cold all the time (which is what happened last time i was pregnant) but if i was Ov'ing like i think on the 14th then it is only 5dpo so its too early int it? :wacko:

Just want some honest answers please, if my workings out are right then if no af by 6 weeks after my MC i might test? should i ? Arggg help please! lol!!


Well, I would go more by the EWCM date then the day you m/c as time from m/c to next AF can vary so much.

If you had EWCM on the 14th, lets just assume you ovulated then on the 15th or 16th. That means that today you are only at most about 4-5 dpo so you wouldn't be late for your period yet, but you certainly do have a chance that you conceived.

I m/c naturally on January 3rd, got my +++ OPK on January 17th, believe I ovulated on the 18th and am now 3 dpo and really praying we are pregnant again.

My m/c was really straight forward thankfully and so we just decided to go for it.

Good Luck hun. You could probably test in another 5-6 days with hopes of seeing a +++

sorry for your loss :hugs: i decided to have a natural MC too, even though i still went for the natural route, does it still make the first day you started MC'ing as day 1? yea i think in a week il test , just to put my mind at ease.. not getting my hopes up.. really hope you get you bfp soon!! xx

Okay so i put that i had all that ewcm on 14th Jan, but i had just been looking through my dates and letter from hospital and it was actually the 12th Jan << so today i should be 10dpo (if i ov'ed when i think i did) and that tiny bit of pink discharge was on 17th (5 days after i ov'ed) hmm.. no sign of af coming either, had a couple of big arguements with OH last couple of days and the week before af i get very emotional (would have been crying my eyes out at ANYTHING) but instead iv just laughed it off and told him he is being a massive dick lol.. my mum gettin test for me today but guna hold out another week and see if af arrives..

Just a quick update lol! xxx
well, i really hope you ARE pregnant again! i had a mc in november. we didn't bd at all between my mc and my next period. my next period came around 5 weeks after the day i started mc, but some ladies take longer.

it is definitely possible to get pregnant right away though, so i have my fingers crossed for you. i know how hard it is to go from pregnant to not being that way any more, and how great it would feel to be pregnant again.
well, i really hope you ARE pregnant again! i had a mc in november. we didn't bd at all between my mc and my next period. my next period came around 5 weeks after the day i started mc, but some ladies take longer.

it is definitely possible to get pregnant right away though, so i have my fingers crossed for you. i know how hard it is to go from pregnant to not being that way any more, and how great it would feel to be pregnant again.

Thanks hun, i really dont wanna get excited incase im not. trying to play it cool :coolio: i suppose only time will tell. Thats whats guna shock me most i think, we didnt BD until i had confirmation from hospital that it was ok too.. so because we only BD twice i had it in my head that i couldnt be pregnant.. really really hope i can wait a week (or longer) before testing. i MC on 18th jan at 6 weeks so really wanna get past that mile stone.. last time i did EVERYTHING by the book, quit smoking straight away, ate healthy, didnt drink caffine all that shizzle. When i had MC i started smoking again straight away and iv not quit again, still be eating Macdonalds and stuff because last time i think i was 'too' careful.. if i am pregnant again then i know im guna be very cautious about telling people because it was my first pregnancy when i MC'ed :( just hope next time its a healthy pregnancy xx
i know what you mean about not wanting to tell anyone. i think when i get pregnant again, i probably won't even be able to accept it myself until i get through the first trimester. i mc'd at 6 weeks too. it is an awful thing to go through, and i'm so sorry for you. i will say that as time goes on it is much easier to deal with.

my main problem now is that i'm obsessed with ttc. before the mc, we were ntnp and i became pregnant on the 3rd cycle. now, i'm worried that because i am so obsessed with being pregnant, it will make it not happen.

this is my second cycle, just got af today. it was awful. i had so many symptoms that i had when i was pregnant, i really thought i must be. i feel like my hormones must just still be messed up because there is no way that all of these symptoms could have been in my head. it was just too weird.

try not to get your hopes up too much, but keep positive. it definitely DOES happen right away for some. but, it really sucks when you think you are pregnant again and then stupid af comes. it is like a kick in the face after having to already go through the mc, ya know?
i know what you mean about not wanting to tell anyone. i think when i get pregnant again, i probably won't even be able to accept it myself until i get through the first trimester. i mc'd at 6 weeks too. it is an awful thing to go through, and i'm so sorry for you. i will say that as time goes on it is much easier to deal with.

my main problem now is that i'm obsessed with ttc. before the mc, we were ntnp and i became pregnant on the 3rd cycle. now, i'm worried that because i am so obsessed with being pregnant, it will make it not happen.

this is my second cycle, just got af today. it was awful. i had so many symptoms that i had when i was pregnant, i really thought i must be. i feel like my hormones must just still be messed up because there is no way that all of these symptoms could have been in my head. it was just too weird.

try not to get your hopes up too much, but keep positive. it definitely DOES happen right away for some. but, it really sucks when you think you are pregnant again and then stupid af comes. it is like a kick in the face after having to already go through the mc, ya know?

OMG in exactly same boat hun, we were ntnp and on the 3rd cycle i thought there might be a problem with one of us because we were BD everyday but still no bfp - had sex about 5 times the 3rd cycle and i got my bfp! really sorry for your loss hun, cant believe how much alike our situations are :wacko: thats my main worry too hun, like i said before we was just having sex because we was horney lol and i never looked out for ewcm but now im constantly looking for it lol!!

Arw hun :hugs: it will happen very soon for you, il have my fingers crossed that it will! iv not had my 1st period from MC yet & me and OH not been usin a condom or anything because i dont expect to get pregnant straight away and that it will take a im here with no af and no af signs confused :shrug: we only BD a few times this cycle so will be VERY supprised if i do get a bfp!!

Thanks hun, yea i defo know what you mean - im trying to get it in my head that im NOT pregnant so then when my af arrives i can just try and carry on as normal.. if i get it into my head that i AM pregnant and my af shows up il be absolutly gutted! not mentioned anything to the OH because he will just say "your not pregnant yet babe" but i think what im guna do is test next saturday and then it will have been 6 weeks.. omg just realised that next saturday is the 29th.. when i got my bfp in the last pregnancy it was on 29th Nov .. :huh: strangee lol!! xx
i hope u get a bfp :) i sooo want to get pregnant again, dtd twice, guilt still there about our beautiful boy:( pm not back yet but nurse spoke to them and they said baby seemed perfect so i guess maybe the clotting etc(will get answers!) but however my boobs are leaki i have mood swings today. no ovulating test showed positive but i got a negative 6 days after mc so thats good. grrr life is unfair to us ... goodluck emily x

negative bfn i mean after six days. ovulating test just one line... last time wee concieved we dtd friday sun and wednsday for that month and i got pregnant! af 5 sept, test 4 oct positive! so i hope this ones as good although worried it dont stick as had surgery to remove placenta but baby was born at home. omg i loved him n miss his kicks he just wasnt meant to be:( hopefully i can give my wee 9 year old a sibling soon before i get to old lol (34)

thank you sweety :hugs: im so sorry for your loss :hugs: yea life is very unfair hun. it was my 1st pregnancy and i did everything the 'right' way but still wasnt good enough.. defo not guna be as careful next time round.. guna spend more time in bed next time though because last time i was always rushing around and lots of stress which didnt help.
Arw' lol! thats not old! 98 is old but not 34 ;) hehe! it will happen for us very soon i hope hun.. really hope the next ones a sticky beanie for us all! xxx
If you look to the left <<<<<<< He is proof that you can get pregnant straight after a mc. I had a natural mc just like you did and he was born 9/26/10. I am praying for you and your OH.
Just like you I had a miscarriage at 6 weeks (first time getting pregnant and also did everything right) and everything passed naturally. It was just like a period only with a few clots. Well 4 weeks later I took a hpt because I figured AF should be turning up sometime and what do you know, I'm pregnant again! (and this time it resulted in my now 11 month old son :D) So it's definitely possible to get pregnant again 2 weeks later!!

Any updates? Have you tested yet?
tested with a ClearBlue digital yesterday afternoon and it was "not pregnant" :growlmad: damn it! been told to re-test 14dpo (tomorrow) because them digital ones are like 50miu? so sensitive ones are best? i will test tomorrow and update you :thumbup: xx

If you look to the left <<<<<<< He is proof that you can get pregnant straight after a mc. I had a natural mc just like you did and he was born 9/26/10. I am praying for you and your OH.

Arw' he gorgeous! thanks hun, reasurring it can happen :thumbup: xx

Just like you I had a miscarriage at 6 weeks (first time getting pregnant and also did everything right) and everything passed naturally. It was just like a period only with a few clots. Well 4 weeks later I took a hpt because I figured AF should be turning up sometime and what do you know, I'm pregnant again! (and this time it resulted in my now 11 month old son :D) So it's definitely possible to get pregnant again 2 weeks later!!

Arw'! that really reasurring hun :hugs: this saturday coming up it will have been 6 weeks since MC and still no af signs? :wacko: just wish id either get a possitive or my af so i know what crack is lol! xxx

Thanks for all wordsof encouragement ladies! <3 Like i said, yesterday stupid "not pregnant" appeared so il test tomorrow with a First Response and update you as soon as i know :) Doubt it will be possitive but then atleast can put my mind at rest :) xxx
Ok.. my cheapo pregnancy tests i bought have arrived and have just taken one and this is what i got..

nor sure if these photos have upload properlly.. i duno if the very very faint 2nd line is an evap as its abit far away from the first line? The instructions said that final result will appear within 5 mins.. the possible evap line came out around 2-3mins and after 7 mins went? Opinions please ladies? Im guna take another tomorrow just in case xxx


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It's really hard to see anything, if a line came up that's a good sign but I don't think it would have disappeared. I still have my test from when I got my BFP with my daughter and the line is still clearly visible 5 years on. On the flip side I have recently had experience of the dreaded evap line and it didn't come up until an hour after I took the test and faded after a couple of days.

I think you're going to need to test again in a couple of days to get a definite result. Good luck hun x
Ok.. my cheapo pregnancy tests i bought have arrived and have just taken one and this is what i got..

nor sure if these photos have upload properlly.. i duno if the very very faint 2nd line is an evap as its abit far away from the first line? The instructions said that final result will appear within 5 mins.. the possible evap line came out around 2-3mins and after 7 mins went? Opinions please ladies? Im guna take another tomorrow just in case xxx

Hun, you said you had the EWCM on the 14th, so you may have not even ovulated until the 15th or 16th. Often times women ovulate after the EWCM or have a good day and then less the next and with BD mixed it it would be hard to see. So you may only be 10 or 11 dpo right now.

Is that test dry? I know you have to read results within the first 10 minutes or so, but sometimes you can see better once they are dry if it's truly a line. That certainly looks a little pinkish in the area that it would get a line. You don't get an evap, before the time period is up btw.

Good Luck. Hang in there. I know how hard it is. I stupidly tested today at 8 dpo thought I had two lines on two tests, but when I took them apart the lines were gone. It was so weird.

Anyways, hope that smudge gets nice and dark over the next two days or so.
Worked out my dates wrong..updated it saying i ov'ed 12th Jan.. checked dates in my diary lol!! Well ladies i took a test today and BFN :dohh: lol.. now just a waiting game for af.. hope your all ok xxx

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