I've had 2 chemicals in the past 4 cycles now after previously having 4 healthy pregnancies and no known other losses. I'm going to do cd3/cd7/ & 7dpo testing on my next cycle (since current one is a miscarriage) and they're also going to test for the clotting factors. It might seem like overkill on the testing since I've had 4 healthy pregnancies but I want to be proactive about this "just in case" and my midwife suggested it just to see. I think she's mostly wondering about my cd3 testing and what the FSH level, etc. reveals. I've been on metformin just starting this month for suspected pcos (irregular cycles but I have always been irregular and didn't have ttc issues in the past). I'm wondering though, when it comes to the clotting tests - how possible is it that I could have the MTHFR after having 4 healthy pregnancies?