Sheece--I've had similar pains on and off all cycle. Not reading too much into it because it started before my od. I'm more worried that I might be seeing a return of my endometriosis. Been off bc for over a year now with relatively normal periods with manageable cramps so I was hoping I was in the clear...
Broody:sorry about the evap line. It's what it looks like to me, maybe the doc will have some better news.
Afm: 10dpo and a bfn this morning. Not feeling optimistic because not even spotting any symptoms other than a slight soreness on my left boob (easily could be pms) and my cm has stayed creamy. I'm due for AF Thursday so we'll see. Not totally out yet but not feeling great about it. I have an appointment with my obgyn scheduled next week so that's good timing regardless of what happens
An evap doesn't have colour in the line, but does show up on a test. Its a nasty thing that make many women believe theyve gotten a positive test. I'm sorry hun.
So sorry broody I hope it was an evap for your sake, much easier to deal with a bad test than a loss.. Either way big hugs and love your way. Not fun or fair at all.
AFM - I think the mole is catching me too. Temp went down a bit this morning and I woke up feeling periody. Took a test and I swear there is a shadow line on it, but I couldn't get it to show on camera. I'm 14dpo today so at least if AF does arrive, I've had a good length LP :/
Ladies need some help here. Took a hpt this am and at first glance it looked like a BFN. But at second glance I could swear there might be a shadow line. It's nearly impossible to tell but I still tried to take a picture with a marker showing where I think I might see it. It's really only at a certain angle that I catch a hint of it and the picture is even less clear than in person but I've attached it for the hell of it. Having major line eyes so I won't be upset if you guys don't see it. I'm not convinced I do either. Other than that, feeling bloated and crampy this morning though my temps have stayed up and my cf is still creamy.
Sheece - still keeping FX for you. But you're right, at least it's a nice long LP.
Etis - I can't get a good look in the original picture but when I invert on my phone I feel like I can see something very faint. Does it have color IRL? I say try again tomorrow, but I really want to say try again tonight. I am a very bad influence on the POAS addicts. LoL!! However, from my experience on all 3 of my BFPs the morning test was blank while the evening test (on a 3-4 hour hold) had a faint line, so I can't help but encourage.
AFM - I had my 8w appointment yesterday. Bean is measuring at 8w+3 (I was 8w+1 so a little ahead, yay!) and OMG it actually is beginning to look like a baby! I could clearly see the heart beating this time, and I COULD HEAR IT! I will admit I came very close to crying. Steady, strong heartbeat at 166. This is beginning to actually feel real.
Angel: replied on another thread but still so excited for you!! What an adorable little bean you've got there. I'm so happy that everything is progressing well so far
Abe: Yeah it's super hard to tell so I can't be convinced one way or another. I have a ton of wondfos hpts kicking around (I've been buying combo packs with the opks so I probably have close to 20 hpt strips that I haven't used from all my past BFN cycles), so I'll probably go a bit test happy here for a bit to see if anything progresses. Good luck to you too! Fx that this is our cycle!!
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