See I am the opposite. I am planning to have LO christened in a few months but FOB will not be there nor will his family...actually they won't even know it's happening.
I've tried to get on with FOB and his family but because I am an ex they seem to have the mentality that we can't be friends and have to fight all the time.
I will tell you something though:
I wasn't planning to have LO christened, like you, and was going to let her decide when she is older. But.....
On 1st May, my cousin's 18 month old little boy died and they never got him christened. He was christened after he died. After this, it made me think. Although I am not overly religious, I still like to think there is a heaven and if anything should happen to LO that she will go there.
Losing someone so little and precious has really turned our family upside down and you find yourself looking to faith to get you through.
Some people have christenings for the sake of it imo. I know people who don't go to church, never have, even after having LO christened which defeats the object in my eyes. Is FOB religious? Go to church? Has ever?
If you really are against the idea, maybe just say what you said on your thread and see what he responds. He might accept your decision. x
Aw sorry to hear about your cousins little boy that must of been awful
. You see that's the thing Fob isn't religious at all . In the whole time webwere together he never went to church etc. I'm not 100% sure wether or not he was baptised as a baby because he went to a roman catholic school, I always grew up going to a Church of England school as a Christian. So if I was to get LO Christened I'd have him done as a Christian which FOb would prob not w happy about. FOBs dad owns a pub an when LO was only Tiny just out of hospital I took LO to see FOBs dad, and the first thing he started
Going on about was getting him christened so that they could have a big piss up and do in his pub after! At the time I said I was gettin Xmas out of the way. I think that's the only reason FOb wants to av LO christened is to act all hard like "I'm the daddy" and get drunk at the do after! He just that type of person. I wish I could get LO christened like you without FOB or his family there but I know without a fact I would not get away with it and there would be loads of aggro after! It's such a hard thing to decide on. Xx
I didn't want to say it in so many words but practically everyone I know who have had their LOs christened have just had it done to have the piss up afterwards and don't really think about what it actually means.
Well I will probably get a lot of aggro when they find out but they will do it by way of court for access as this is the bain of my life with FOB atm.
I can only get away with it as FOB lives out the country atm and I have no contact with his family since his mother started emailing me shit in January and making threats.
I have also changed her surname. FOB manipulated me into giving her his surname even though I was adamant she would have mine (he was absent from my whole pregnancy btw) but I am not allowing him to control me anymore.
Have you txt FOB back yet?x