I went to the doctors today and he surprised me by telling me they found an abnormal antibody in my blood. I assume it has something to do with me being o-negative because I was suppose to get the RhoGAM shot today but my doctor said he needs to see further testing on my blood first to see what we are dealing with.
He also scheduled me for an urgent ultrasound today which seemed to be good, good flow of blood to the placenta, the baby measured exactly what my dates are suppose to be, the baby is moving well, good heart rate. She did mention something about the heart but said it could be the position the baby was in, the "image was fuzzy". So I don't know what she meant by that or if I should worry.
I hopefully will know more on thursday.
I am just wondering if anyone has experience with this and what the outcome was because I am quite freaked out right now.
Thanks in advance.