Hi ladies, I am soooo grateful for your prayers right now I have been spotting, mainly in the mornings, So im wondering if it has something to do with my sleeping??? But the scary part to me (tmi, sorry) is that I get a little bit of what looks like brown stringy mucus ( kind of what I get at the end of my period). Doc says as long as it doesn't get worse, not to worry. Brown blood not bad unless it's a lot. But I still have concerns. I am trying my best to just trust God and hand it to him, but I feel so selfish to constantly be asking him to let my baby be ok. I think I know deep down its ok, because I am calm, but I worry too. I feel sooooooo full when I eat, like my tummy is going to burst, and I typically don't gt that after a normal meal. My boobs still are sore and I have to pee all the time. No ms yet, part of me wishes I'd get it just to reassure me things are ok. I do get occasional waves of nausea, but othing too bad. I'm in Pittsburgh, away from home and alone right now, so I'm sure that makes it all magnified as well.....
I just pray for health, patience and peace right now.....