For me it starts on xmas eve.
We go to the 'north pole' on an old fashioned steam train, about a 20 minute ride to the other station basically (tanfield railway in north east if anyone around newcastley area is quite cheap) where it is completley decorated, snow and all, with a big grotto with santa in, all kids see santa and get a present off him and then we have a lunch before getting a train back. Its a gorgeous 2 and a bit hours tbh
have done this ever since i was little, and theres always been at least 3 younguns in my family(cousins and what not), so ive been able to go every year...i like to keep the spirit alive haha.
Then back home and we get the presents in santa sacks in the boot of car and get our santa hats on and deliver them to cousins, aunts uncles, neighbours etc.
From there we go to church and then back to mams for the night, and do chief elf pyjamas lol. Mam goes to minight mass, sometimes i go with, probs will this year, then my mam plays santa lol.
In morning, open prezzies with a bacon sarnie and a cup of tea, can take up to 4 hours though as we have mam dad me OH alex brother my 2 little cousins and mams sister and uncle all staying over on xmas eve lol. then dinner with all the family (20 people this year hopefully) and then trivial persuit and my dad falling asleep and us decorating his face....thats a xmas tradition in itself
Sorry for the long post. I get excited when i write about xmas haha.