I know the title might sound a bit ridiculous as of course tiny babies are clingy but I do believe my baby takes it to the extreme. He is on me 24/7 and I am not exaggerating. I use the sling to get things done during the day. He's not happy in the car but is coming round to being in the pram now he doesn't have to be laid so flat. If I put him on his play mat he will be happy for a few minutes providing he can see me and my husband can pacify him long enough for me to take a very quick shower. I tried twice to have a little bit of me time and went for a bath but both times he screamed until I gave up. He sleeps on me, I am his boob dummy or he sleeps on my chest or just snuggled in to me. He cries at unfamiliar faces so usually gets passed back to mummy quite quickly. My sling was in the wash tonight and it made me realise just how attached he is. I could get tea ready or do anything without him crying. Husband was really trying to soothe him but he just cried so much! I know it's normal for babies to be attached to mum and I've heard about the fourth trimester thing but I have to say it's hard work. I love that he needs me but sometimes I feel so trapped. Hopefully things improve when we start weaning. No questions really but if anyone has any advice it would be welcome. Can anyone relate? I don't want you to think I don't want to be close to my baby, I love it but maybe the odd half hour away from him would restore my mind and body a little. My back is killing by the way. He weighs 17lb.