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Clingy baby 3 months old


Well-Known Member
Oct 2, 2010
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I know the title might sound a bit ridiculous as of course tiny babies are clingy but I do believe my baby takes it to the extreme. He is on me 24/7 and I am not exaggerating. I use the sling to get things done during the day. He's not happy in the car but is coming round to being in the pram now he doesn't have to be laid so flat. If I put him on his play mat he will be happy for a few minutes providing he can see me and my husband can pacify him long enough for me to take a very quick shower. I tried twice to have a little bit of me time and went for a bath but both times he screamed until I gave up. He sleeps on me, I am his boob dummy or he sleeps on my chest or just snuggled in to me. He cries at unfamiliar faces so usually gets passed back to mummy quite quickly. My sling was in the wash tonight and it made me realise just how attached he is. I could get tea ready or do anything without him crying. Husband was really trying to soothe him but he just cried so much! I know it's normal for babies to be attached to mum and I've heard about the fourth trimester thing but I have to say it's hard work. I love that he needs me but sometimes I feel so trapped. Hopefully things improve when we start weaning. No questions really but if anyone has any advice it would be welcome. Can anyone relate? I don't want you to think I don't want to be close to my baby, I love it but maybe the odd half hour away from him would restore my mind and body a little. My back is killing by the way. He weighs 17lb.
Sorry, that sounds normal to me. I tend to hold my babies non-stop until they decide they want to start getting down. This is at about 4 or 5 months old, when they would rather play with toys for a while, and especially once they're sitting up on their own. That's when I get 10-15 minutes to myself every few hours. Then, when they start crawling, I get 30 minutes or so to myself, almost every hour, except for naps. Then, when they decide to be up on their feet, they only want me for naps and snuggles. My LO is 10 months old now, and I honestly miss him because he's gone through these stages and acts like he doesn't even need me anymore.

I'm sorry. I know you're struggling. Wanting to just put that baby down for a few minutes and take a darned shower is a huge problem. I skip way too many showers until my kids are 4 or 5 months old, for sure. I would go ahead and let OH struggle with the baby for half an hour so I could do what I wanted/needed to do... They'll get used to each other, and your baby will be a lot more interested in your OH soon anyway, as he starts to realize he CAN be away from you. :)
That would be so hard, especially since your baby is so big! My 13 month old is just shy of 17 lbs. I don't think there's much you can do but wait it out, and remind yourself that one day you will miss the cuddles.
My 2nd one started out like this. When you haven't had a clingy baby, it's really easy to say "you'll miss the cuddles" or "it gets better." Because when you're in the thick of it, you feel like you're going to lose your goddamn mind. I hated hearing my baby cry, and so I just started picking him up constantly and I was trapped at home with him. One day I around 5 months I hit my breaking point. I started crying uncontrollably and sat in the bathroom, dreading coming out. From then on, I started letting my husband watch him for at least 30 minutes a day, sometimes longer, and I would go get a coffee and read, go to the gym, get groceries alone, anything. At first when I got home baby was red faced and still screaming for mama, but after a few days he was okay. I started just going to the bathroom during the day and just letting him cry a bit (only a few minutes). I knew he was okay, he wasn't hurt or hungry or scared.

if you DH can handle it, start letting him watch baby alone for a few minutes each day. Baby will eventually be okay. Hugs to you, mama. I've been there. It's hard.

Also, my 2nd is 21 pounds, so he's no tiny thing either. I thought I was going to break my back lol!
My babies were both happy in water so DH did bathtime... when he did that I was straight in the shower! If that wouldn't work in your house then have DH take bub in a pram for a walk or a drive for 30 minutes... if you can't hear him cry (and aren't listening out for him), that switching off could make a real difference.

Good luck, hang in there. It does get better.
don't worry that much it's totally normal my DD used to do the same thing, It is hard but It's better than the stories about mothers who can't have connection with their babies.

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