Clomid Buddies (moved to LTTTC board)

Norelisa, haha might have to convince DH to go for a holiday! My good friend just got back from Thailand and had an amazing time. Coq10 is meant to be really good for egg quality. What I've read, it's one of the only vitamins that they actually suggest for if you're going through IVF. I was taking it but I just got out of routine and it's sitting in the cupboard but I'm think I might start it again. Haha kitty lifting. I don't think you've got anything to worry about weight wise. If anything you could probably afford to gain a little bit and see if that improves things. Good luck for the hsg. It sounds like IUI is the best move for you. I'm pretty sure IUI is recommended for those who have the acidity problem too.

Thank you joy. I noticed that on the pill my PCOS symptoms were minimal but off the pill, I gained a bit of weight. Not to the point I was overweight and my fertility doctor didn't suggest losing weight and said I was healthy etc. But I don't think it can hurt. My mum has celiac disease and I know how hard it is to cut out gluten let alone all that other stuff. Dairy is meant to be bad for PCOS but I've already read 1 glass of full fat milk helps with infertility...! It sounds like you're definitely making healthy choices though. Can't help with the trigger question sorry.

Belle, thanks. Awesome work on your weight loss too. It doesn't sound like you've had to make huge changes either. I know what you mean about the winter and food cravings. It must be worse because it's so cold there. Thankfully we are coming into summer here but it doesn't really feel much like summer yet. Also, I don't think they do anything to the swimmers for IUI other than 'wash' them but I think that just removes the sperm from the semen rather than selecting the good ones.

Love, welcome. It sounds like we are quite similar. I did provera now on Metformin and Clomid. Im cd9 after 100mg on CD 3-7. Last cycle I ovulated on CD 16 but it was a BFN. Good luck!

What CD is everyone on? It feels like most of us are waiting to O.
Love - I know how you feel. My DH has 2 children as well and while I know he wants a baby with me as much as I do, I don't think he experiences the same worry that I do. Part of that is just his personality though...the eternal optimist.

Sarah - cutting out gluten is the hardest! I'll still have dairy if it's baked into something but have been avoiding milk, cheese and ice cream to see how I feel. I read that about full fat dairy increasing fertility as well and the month I had my CP I was drinking 1-2 glasses of whole milk per day. I continued drinking it for a couple of months after that but no luck. I'm mildly lactose intolerant though so I figure it's best to avoid anything that will cause irritation/inflammation. Sticking to almond milk for now! I guess it makes me feel better to have something different to try after each BFN!

I'm on CD13....should be ovulating any minute now as my trigger was 32 hours ago. Just BDed and my ovaries hurt! The right side more than the left (mature follicle is on the right...smaller one on the left but doc said not big enough). Feeling good (I guess?) about our chances as we've BDed the last 4 days straight. Might squeeze in one more tomorrow for good measure! :)
Joy, I cut out gluten for a few years because of my Lupus. It helped my joints a lot. But it was just so difficult to remove it all. Plus DH got sick of it haha he hates picky eaters. That's interesting about the milk and your CP. Blah it all just sucks.

I agree about trying something new each cycle. It helps to feel like you're in control. This cycle I don't think I'm trying anything new because I've run out of things to try. If anything, it's just my attitude. I know I have no control in it all so I'm trying to let go. I'm sick of the emotional rollercoaster. This could be a long rollercoaster so I need to look after myself and my marriage. I think I might book us a weekend away next weekend.

Good luck with the BDing. The night I O'd, BDing was very painful too.
Love, welcome to the thread and hope clomid works for you.

Sarah ~ nicely done on losing some weight.:hugs:

I have been very heartbroken about my bloodtest results and i feel so broken at the moment, but DH has been a great support and he stays positive for the both of us. I read that some women only O on their 3rd round of Clomid, so i think my GYN is going to give it one more month, luckily she understands the concept of not wanting to wait, so i believe she will do whats best. For now i guess i need to stay positive and work on losing some weight myself and try and be healthier. My BMI is 24 now and id love for it to be 22 again.
Thanks Nita. I've been thinking of you. I had imagined myself being in that position after my last cycle and just felt sad at the thought of it. I can't imagine how sucky it must be to be there. Wallow away and complain away, you're more than allowed to. Do you think you'll bump up to 150mg? Are you being monitored? Maybe the follicles are there but you need a trigger shot. I guess that'll mean more dumb Provera :( I'm glad your doctor isn't making you wait. This weekend I've just been so thankful for my DH and his support and positivity.
Thanks Sarah, i am just really so sad. :( if it werent for DH I think i would just sit and cry about it. But he is really putting in the effort. Yup, more provera unfortunately and another 40+ day cycle. I will hear what the doctor says but I will give Clomid one more month. Other than the 21 day blood test im not being monitored.
Nita, I can imagine how sad you must be feeling. It's so so hard to not even be in with a chance even when we do all of this to try. Cry if you need to. I've spent many hours crying over this. Stupid Provera. Hopefully they'll give it to you asap so you can just get on with it. Will your doctor monitor you if you ask, it might be that the eggs are there but they're just not popping. Also is your tummy feeling better? You've had a rough time lately :(

Just a question, so my birthday was a few weeks ago and my sister in law got me a candle (not really my thing but it smells quite yum). She knew we were TTC in January because she saw a bottle of folic acid by my bed. But I haven't told her that we are having trouble but I've told her sister and my other sister in law (who probably talk, even though we asked them to keep it hush). Anyway, yesterday my candle giving sister in law asked me if I liked my present and I said yes thank you etc etc. My sister in law said "that's good, the lady in the shop said a soy candle would be good for you". Then it was really awkward, almost like she was waiting for me to say something. I'm trying to work out what she means by a soy candle being good for me! Haha maybe I'm just being paranoid but I can't exactly straight up ask her if she knows... haha anyone know anything about candles and infertility? Or feel free to tell me to stop worrying about something so silly!
Nita, I can imagine how sad you must be feeling. It's so so hard to not even be in with a chance even when we do all of this to try. Cry if you need to. I've spent many hours crying over this. Stupid Provera. Hopefully they'll give it to you asap so you can just get on with it. Will your doctor monitor you if you ask, it might be that the eggs are there but they're just not popping. Also is your tummy feeling better? You've had a rough time lately :(

Just a question, so my birthday was a few weeks ago and my sister in law got me a candle (not really my thing but it smells quite yum). She knew we were TTC in January because she saw a bottle of folic acid by my bed. But I haven't told her that we are having trouble but I've told her sister and my other sister in law (who probably talk, even though we asked them to keep it hush). Anyway, yesterday my candle giving sister in law asked me if I liked my present and I said yes thank you etc etc. My sister in law said "that's good, the lady in the shop said a soy candle would be good for you". Then it was really awkward, almost like she was waiting for me to say something. I'm trying to work out what she means by a soy candle being good for me! Haha maybe I'm just being paranoid but I can't exactly straight up ask her if she knows... haha anyone know anything about candles and infertility? Or feel free to tell me to stop worrying about something so silly!

Never heard of, but I Googled "soy candle and fertility" and got this:

A soy wax aromatherapy candle scented with jasmine, chamomile, and ylang ylang. ... Simple and comforting, our Fertile Flame candle combines fertility-enhancing scents with the traditional ritual of lighting candles to improve emotional and mental well-being.

I guess she might know, then.. Or maybe it has some other big meaning she was referring to. I also found out that a friend who was visiting a lot this year blabbed.. But I guess it's OK, they are both going back to Europe soon, and we don't have THAT many friends in common..
Sarah, my tummy is 100% again. I suppose my Gyn will do a monitored cycle if I ask her, but it will be difficult in December with the holidays, as I think she also closes het practice for 2 or 3 weeks. So its definately something to look at in january. I have to admit I have not cried about this yet and I am trying my best to stay strong. The thought that it might never happen for us are crossing my mind now more than ever.
Nita I don't have pcos but I understand where you are coming from on the bit on trying to make peace with the idea that it may never happen. It's such an incredibly hard thing to confront. I don't think I have 100% accepted it, but I have envisioned a life for myself without children that I think would be acceptable. You can still have a meaningful life without kids, it's just a matter of finding that meaning in other ways. Once I realized this LTTTC became much easier for me. I think I have finally beaten the hope-despair cycle that I was on for so long. It's not in my control so I can't beat myself up over it.

That being said, accepting that you can still have a meaningful life without kids doesn't mean that you stop trying now. There are still lots of things you can try. If you don't respond with 150mg, there is always the trigger, injectables and IVF where they remove the mature eggs directly. Some women who don't respond to clomid respond well to femara. Ask your RE about doing a monitored cycle and be assured, many women with pcos go on to have a family, it just takes time, and luckily this is a commodity that you have :)
Norelisa, thanks it's like a pineapple and coconut flavoured candle but she seemed to be saying the soy was the good part. I'm suspicious that she knows something so maybe I'm just on the look out. Thanks for Googling. I'm not expecting my new candle to give me a BFP!

Nita, I understand your frustration about December/January shut down. Especially with DH being on 72 hours notice to deploy in a few weeks. Otherwise we could have got in to see the doctor and made a plan before he could go. But now it's too late so if he goes, we will be on an enforced 2-3 month break. Do you think you'll hear from your doctor on Monday? I completely understand what you're saying about the fear it may never happen. It's terrifying, probably the worst thing of all. I've often said to DH, if I just knew how this would all end, I could relax. He said some bull about that's what makes life exciting. I had to walk away.

Belle, you're more amazing than I am for being able to do that. I don't think I could accept a life without children. I would leave my job because I just couldn't work with children anymore. I'd give my husband the opportunity to walk away (I know he wouldn't but i would need to do something for my guilt) and then I don't even know what I would do with myself. I can't really stand to think about it much more than that. I know we will try whatever it takes (egg, sperm or embryo donor or surrogacy if that's what it took) and if we can't have our own we will try adopting or fostering.
Belle - thanks for the comforting words. Its really hard to imagine a life without kids, and i really dont want to. Luckily I dont have PCOS, infact other than not Ovulating on my own after i stopped BCP the doctor could not find anything wrong with me. My doctor said she will make it happen, i keep on telling myself that she has a plan, and it will happen.

Its really horrible to be in this position and this afternoon i invited a friend over who knows exactlt what i have been through, and we have talked about it for hours and she just said to most amazing things to me. She told me success stories of others also trying for a long time and succeeding, and that I should just hang in there it will happen, and then she said it just have to because she has been prayimg very hard for us to conceive and her prayers will be answered. I really needed that.:hugs:
Well Nita the silver lining is that once the doc does get you ovulating, you will likely conceive within a couple months :)

In all likelihood we will all reach our goal sooner or later! I have hope for all of us here. In the meantime I'm not going to make myself sick with worrying about it anymore. It's obviously not in my hands.

Sarah I'm sorry you're feeling that way about it. I felt just the same a few months ago. I figured I would go off the deep end entirely. Since then I've really tried to focus on things in my life that I enjoy already. I know I could make a happy life either way, and I know you could do the same if you had to. That said, I do hope you wont find yourself in that position!
Omg ladies I know I've been so quiet this cycle I am stalking the thread though

I have been so Gassy the last 2 days and oh hell my nipples are that tender I can barely touch them

How are you all getting on?
I know what you mean about finding peace in the idea of not having children, Belle. I had actually gotten to that place before I met my husband, after a particularly painful break-up (I had been engaged prior to meeting DH). I was 32 when I met DH and on our 3rd date he asked me if I wanted kids. I said I always did but wasn't sure it was in the cards for me anymore. He said, "you are meant to be a mother...there's no way you aren't having children and I'd be a lucky man if it were with me." Now I can't imagine a life without children of our own together. I could imagine it for myself when I was single but not so anymore.
Ask, that is one of the sweetest stories I have ever heard. We are all rooting for you that you'll get just what you want!

My step mother was 38 when she got pregnant with my half brother. She has pcos and was told she would never be able to have kids. She hadn't ovulated in years, but got an IUD to be safe, and my dad also had a vasectomy. He gave my brother and I this whole talk about how we were his kids and how he didn't want any others.... and along came a little miracle haha. I don't think they waited long enough after the vasectomy and the IUD must have failed which is pretty rare.

Whenever I think that its never going to happen, I think about that. If it can happen for them, surely it can happen for me, and surely it will happen for you!
I'm on CD 9. Still no side effects from the Clomid. When did side effects kick in for y'all & what were they?

Nita - have you tried the highest mg yet for Clomid? I'm so sorry this is happening to you 💔
LoveCousar - I had Clomid side effects from the second day I took them, my side effects was headaches. I took 100mg Clomid and I think the highest dose is 250mg that you can take, but I also read that if Clomid doesnt work within 3 months then it probably wont.

Hoping to hear from my doctor today, hopefully I can start Provera asap as well. :wacko:
I'm not sure if I could actually accept a life without children. I know for some women it's a nice to have or the just decide later in life that it might be nice to have babies. For me, this has been something I have wanted since I was little. I studied teaching to prepare for being a mum. I would have gone at it alone with donor sperm if that's what it came down to. I don't even want to think about what it would be like.

I also rung and made an appointment to see our doctor. The next time he can see us is the 2nd Feb. The nurse wanted to speak to me and actually suggested freezing DH's swimmers for IUI. If he ends up going overseas next month it'll be too late. She also said that because our town is too small, we can't freeze or do IUI at all where we live. We would have to travel to the capital which is about 2 hours away. So I'll have a chat with DH about it over the next few weeks.

Love, my first cycle I had just some hot flushes and a bit of a headache but didn't ovulate. I then went up to 100mg and felt sick, tired and irritable. I ovulated but BFN. This cycle I didn't really have many side effects but I've had the odd hot flush over the past few days.

In other news, our Prime Minister has resigned after 8 years in power. It's all very odd and strange timing, especially before Christmas and after another big earthquake. The next election will be very interesting!

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