Clomid Buddies (moved to LTTTC board)

Aphy, thanks. You're right. It is scary and exciting all at the same time. I've hear people getting pregnant the cycle before their first fertility appointment or before they were due to start treatment or IVF. Maybe that luck will work for us. I'm hopeful this will be our cycle (although I'm not feeling anything in my ovaries like this time last cycle). I'm glad it won't be a waste and we won't need to wait if he does go. I think we will keep his trip on the down low though. I don't want lots of people to know I got pregnant when my husband was out of the country.

I also think my dog might have broken her paw. So off to the vet tomorrow hopefully. When it rains it pours!

Good luck with the HSG norelisa.

Nita, I'm looking forward to hearing what the plan is.
Ask - Sorry for making you feel old. :hugs: I still get issues when I want to enter places like casinos where only 18+ year olds are allowed, They still ask my ID before I can enter, I wish sometimes I looked my age - but I know I will regret saying this one day :haha:

I have my doctors appointment in a few hours. Stressed and excited. :blush:

How is it going? I'm at the Dr office myself. My RE though the sinus infection was not related to clomid, i might try it one more time.. But I need to know how long I can take it as ovarian cancer runs in the family (I'll probably operate it away after having the children we want). Currently waiting for pain medicines to kick in before doing the xray to check if my tubes are open. Hopefully I won't forget to also ask the Dr if they have vitamins for male fertility here.. Maybe better shot than the pharmacies.. :)

It's strange that your doctor dont think the sinus infection is from Clomid - I have read about other women who also got the sinus infection from Clomid. But if you can go one more round on it and get preg I am sure the sinus infection would be worth it :thumbup:

I am seeing my doctor over lunch time, which is about 3 hours from now :winkwink: I am scared she is going to want me to try one more round on Clomid before trying something else, I just dont see how a 3rd round can work if 2 already don't. I will also remind her that we don't want to wait any longer since we are planning on moving to our new house at the end of the month. So we are ready now :winkwink:

Third time's the charm? ;)

Just done with xray, it wasn't as bad as feared, but got period pain for about 30 min once I was done. Now waiting to see the doctor again, but the radiologist said it looked normal. I could also see the dye filling up, very interesting. I first thought I only had one open tube as the second was hiding. But let's see what the Dr says.. Tbh if it's mostly related to male issue, it's OK. It'll get easier to get hubby to see the importance he is playing in all this :)
Norelisa - sounds positive so far :hugs: keep us updated :blush:

Sarah - its always good to have a plan, hopefully it wont get to that. Are you doing the 21day blood test again?

Still need to wait about 1.5 hours to my doc - time goes by so slowly today, just want it over and done with so I can know whats next..
Norelisa - sounds positive so far :hugs: keep us updated :blush:

Sarah - its always good to have a plan, hopefully it wont get to that. Are you doing the 21day blood test again?

Still need to wait about 1.5 hours to my doc - time goes by so slowly today, just want it over and done with so I can know whats next..

They suspect I have arcurate uterus, but he said not to worry about it. I'll Google it nevertheless!!

Got two more rounds of clomid, and we just have to let them know if we want to do iui. I guess I'll do some more thinking now, about the next steps..

At least my tubes are open :happydance:
Norelisa - sounds positive so far :hugs: keep us updated :blush:

Sarah - its always good to have a plan, hopefully it wont get to that. Are you doing the 21day blood test again?

Still need to wait about 1.5 hours to my doc - time goes by so slowly today, just want it over and done with so I can know whats next..

They suspect I have arcurate uterus, but he said not to worry about it. I'll Google it nevertheless!!

Got two more rounds of clomid, and we just have to let them know if we want to do iui. I guess I'll do some more thinking now, about the next steps..

At least my tubes are open :happydance:

Oh thats great news. Hopefully the Clomid will do the trick for you. Have you asked your doctor about a multi vitamin for DH?
Nita, yes, he said they didn't have anything like that but he recommended something that I'll look up. Not sure if it's a brand or some Thai stuff.. :)

On my way home now, will try (again) making home made candy - mango lime jelly nibbles :)
My appointment didnt end as positive as yours Norelisa. But any way this is what my doctor had to say: (My consultation was in Afrikaans and my doctor used Afrikaans terms for everything - so I am using my good friend google translate - so sorry if something doesnt make sense)

- So we all know I didn't Ovulate :dohh: she just confirmed it.
- She sees a lot of little Follicles - so I am leaning towards PCOS - she didnt diagnose me with PCOS though
- My lining looks very good (Clomid is definately not thinning my lining). She could see 3 lines and she said thats very good. My lining is 11mm :happydance:
- She highly doubt that another round of Clomid would work but she said lets give it another go @ 150mg from day 5 - 9. She also gave me glucophase to drink this month (apparently it helps with Ovulation).
- If this last round of Clomid doesnt work I need to go for a Laparoscopy in January, where she will make sure my tubes are open and do Ovarian drilling.
- After the Lapa she will put me on Clomid again along with the trigger shot.

For now, I am back on Provera again, she said I can wait for a spontaneous period because of my thick lining but its best to drink Provera.

Also, DH needs to get a SA done.

When I left her office, she said, don't worry I will make sure you get pregnant, we don't know when and how but she will make it happen.
Nita, sounds like a good plan of action. I am sorry it wasn't better news but I like how confident she is about getting you pregnant and I firmly believe she is right! Is DH open to doing the SA? Really good news that your lining is so good! I guess it just means being patient for a while (which I think is the hardest thing ever to ask of a woman who is ttc!)

Norelisa, glad your appointment went well! I'm eager to hear what arcurate uterus means...will google when I have a chance
Nita, sounds like a good plan of action. I am sorry it wasn't better news but I like how confident she is about getting you pregnant and I firmly believe she is right! Is DH open to doing the SA? Really good news that your lining is so good! I guess it just means being patient for a while (which I think is the hardest thing ever to ask of a woman who is ttc!)

Norelisa, glad your appointment went well! I'm eager to hear what arcurate uterus means...will google when I have a chance

Haha, apparently it doesn't mean that much, just that the uterus has a slightly abnormal shape, shouldn't affect fertility much. And not even sure it's at all oddly shaped, the instrument they used for the xray kind of blocked the view, so it was more like a side note.

Nita, I would absolutely recommend a SA, if it's problems with his swimmers you can try to fix it sooner rather than later, and if they are in great shape then you don't have to worry about it at all :) we were recommended to get his SA done before any tests on me as SA is a pretty "easy" and cheap way to check for fertility issues.

I got 5 tablets of clomid,, so guess we'll either have to make a quick decision on iui next cycle, or the following one.. I like to think now that my tubes are open wide and hopefully it will help.

Nita, did you do the hsg xray? Not sure if blocked tubes would stop ovulation, so maybe not worth looking into.
DH was totally against doing the SA last time I told him to do it, but after I told him tonight he said he will do it. We also need to start saving up for the injections, didnt want it to get this far but we have no choice, since my doc said the Clomid wont work. Or well the odds of it working is not in my favour. I wont get hopes up, just enjoy the end of the year and start with the lapa next year.

Norelisa, i have not done the hsg xray, my doctor will do that when she does the lapa.
Nita, I'm sorry. That sounds like a less an ideal appointment. I'm on glucophase/metformin. I had my MC on the first cycle of Metformin. It's likely to cause nausea and people often say they have to run to the toilet! I was fine because I started really really slowly. It is apparently meant to help with Clomid resistance and the combination is meant to help too. I'm sorry you didn't get a diagnosis either. What were your blood tests like? About 20% of women have poly cystic ovaries without having the syndrome. I'm surprised your doctor is jumping right to that option. I've often heard of women not responding to Clomid but do on Femara or injectables. It's a fairly invasive step when there are other treatment options. It is definitely a good idea to get your DH checked, hopefully you're not dealing with two problems. Good luck.

Norelisa, I don't think the uterus thing effect fertility but it can cause trouble when you are pregnant. My sister in law whose a midwife was talking about it the other day. I wasn't really listen though haha. I'm glad your tubes are all open. Often getting your tubes checked is meant to increase your fertility for 6 months following the procedure. Hopefully it does for you!
Norelisa - glad your tubes are clear! Check that off the list!

Nita - it's encouraging to hear your doctor say you WILL get pregnant. I am hesitant to do a laparoscopy though my doctor suggested it. From what I've read, it is not that effective in treating infertility and many REs don't do it because of this. One of my best friends in now pregnant after IVF and told me her RE does not do laparoscopies for anyone. Of course you have to decide what you think your best course of action is.

Here's an article I found that might help:
Nita, I'm sorry. That sounds like a less an ideal appointment. I'm on glucophase/metformin. I had my MC on the first cycle of Metformin. It's likely to cause nausea and people often say they have to run to the toilet! I was fine because I started really really slowly. It is apparently meant to help with Clomid resistance and the combination is meant to help too. I'm sorry you didn't get a diagnosis either. What were your blood tests like? About 20% of women have poly cystic ovaries without having the syndrome. I'm surprised your doctor is jumping right to that option. I've often heard of women not responding to Clomid but do on Femara or injectables. It's a fairly invasive step when there are other treatment options. It is definitely a good idea to get your DH checked, hopefully you're not dealing with two problems. Good luck.

Norelisa, I don't think the uterus thing effect fertility but it can cause trouble when you are pregnant. My sister in law whose a midwife was talking about it the other day. I wasn't really listen though haha. I'm glad your tubes are all open. Often getting your tubes checked is meant to increase your fertility for 6 months following the procedure. Hopefully it does for you!

Yes, it's not great but it could be worse. Also, they only suspected it but not confirmed. Next time I'm doing an ultrasound I guess I'll be checked further to confirm..

Hubby wasn't thrilled that my tubes are OK. Not sure if it's because he had to pay to check or if he feels the extra pressure (the main problem being from his side).
Ask - I too am hesitant about doing it, but i think we are doing it for 2 different reasons though, mine is not to check for endo but just to do ovarian drilling. My doctor explained that if i go over to injectables and IVF that we need to make sure all other problems are sorted as the next steps would be very expensive.

Sarah - I think my doctor didnt do the diagnosis because I did ovulate perfectly normal before going on BCP and that my current condition is the after effect of the BCP.
From what I read about ovarian drilling is that it does increase your change of conceiving and it should be done if Clomid doesn't work. I guess that is why my doctor gave me one last round of Clomid, just to make sure I am Clomid resistant.
Norelisa, I feel what your husband is probably feeling. It sucks when you're the problem. When we were getting all our results back I had kind of hoped something would show up with husband SA. Although dealing with 2 problems would suck, it would mean it wasn't all my fault.

Nita, there is post pill PCOS. What are your blood tests like? That is strange. Ovarian drilling isn't very done very often. Especially if they haven't confirmed PCOS. Why not try Femara? It just seems like your doctor is jumping right into the deep end.
Norelisa, I feel what your husband is probably feeling. It sucks when you're the problem. When we were getting all our results back I had kind of hoped something would show up with husband SA. Although dealing with 2 problems would suck, it would mean it wasn't all my fault.

Nita, there is post pill PCOS. What are your blood tests like? That is strange. Ovarian drilling isn't very done very often. Especially if they haven't confirmed PCOS. Why not try Femara? It just seems like your doctor is jumping right into the deep end.

I guess I have post pill PCOS then :wacko: Both my 21 day blood tests came back as 1.7. I am going back in January to discuss all the options for the future. My doctor made it clear that she wants me to get preg asap, maybe thats why she is jumping in the deep end? She has been practicing for over 30 years so I think she has seen it all and know by now what works. hopefully :)

I guess I can also hope the Clomid works this round. lol
Sarah - seems you were right about the side effects from glucophage... been running to the bathroom with some intense diarrhea (sorry for the tmi) - I had to visit the pharmacy for something to make it stop and to get electrolytes. I hope it stops soon. I had the same the first time I started Provera and Clomid. Seems as though my body struggles to adopt to new medication :coffee::shrug:
Nita, I don't mean to sound rude or anything but if I was in your position I would be asking for a second opinion. I wouldn't be going under a general for ovarian drilling unless I'd tried all other ovulation induction options, especially Femara. Metformin takes a few months to fully work too and a lot of women who are Clomid resistant will ovulate once metformin starts working. I know you say she wants to get you pregnant asap, but you've got time on your side. As much as I hate hearing that, even though we could afford more invasive options, I know there's not the rush we would have if I was 10-15 years old. And you're younger than me. If Femara does the trick, it could potentially work much faster than ovarian drilling would, plus no recovery time.

There are other blood tests they can do to check for PCOS and other reasons why you might not be ovulating on Clomid. Have you had your FSH, LH, estrogen, androgens and prolactin checked? My prolactin was high and my fertility specialist said this alone can cause anovulation and Clomid won't fix that.

I'm sorry you're having a rough time with the Metformin. It didn't take long for my body to get use to it. I hope it doesn't for you too. People seem to say reducing carbs helps to minimise the side effects.
Nita, I don't mean to sound rude or anything but if I was in your position I would be asking for a second opinion. I wouldn't be going under a general for ovarian drilling unless I'd tried all other ovulation induction options, especially Femara. Metformin takes a few months to fully work too and a lot of women who are Clomid resistant will ovulate once metformin starts working. I know you say she wants to get you pregnant asap, but you've got time on your side. As much as I hate hearing that, even though we could afford more invasive options, I know there's not the rush we would have if I was 10-15 years old. And you're younger than me. If Femara does the trick, it could potentially work much faster than ovarian drilling would, plus no recovery time.

There are other blood tests they can do to check for PCOS and other reasons why you might not be ovulating on Clomid. Have you had your FSH, LH, estrogen, androgens and prolactin checked? My prolactin was high and my fertility specialist said this alone can cause anovulation and Clomid won't fix that.

I'm sorry you're having a rough time with the Metformin. It didn't take long for my body to get use to it. I hope it doesn't for you too. People seem to say reducing carbs helps to minimise the side effects.

I had none of those blood tests done :nope: :o I think I should look at a second opinion, just for peace of mind. :(

I will try and reduce carbs for a few days. Hope it helps. On what dosage of Metformin are you?

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