Thank you Love! I'm still in limbo. As you might have read- I originally tested almost 3 weeks ago, and at the time- i started the brown spotting- then red blood right away. two days after we got our BFP i had passed what I was sure was fetal tissue. my betas were low ( since they assumed that I ovulated on cd14 and going by my LMP. So, they just assumed that I miscarried. I went back for a follow up a week later and did another beta which went up. It made more sense since I didn't ovulate til about cd19 or 20. So, right now, the assumption is that I am still pregnant and may have lost a twin with what tissue i passed.
In the midst of it all- I have a pretty crappy situation with my current OB since they haven't returned my calls since monday. im supposed to be on prometrium to help me with the low progesterone in the hopes that it will help support my uterine lining. However- they haven't called me back. Im having the brown spotting again ( very light) so im hoping that is all it is. I did manage to find a new OB/GYN who is very reputable whose office was able to fit me in on monday morning.
Im on pins and needles. oddly enough, I had my cry and got it out of my system when I thought we lost the baby almost three weeks ago. I was ready to move when I got that call about my betas this past monday. I just want to know if this baby is indeed still viable. Its just the factor of not hoping and praying for the best, but also prepared for the worst. I've other home tests and while I know they say you shouldn't rely on the darkness of the lines- these ones come up pretty quickly and super dark compared to the first ones i took which were barely there. any ounce of hope, i guess.
But- I will keep you all posted. As soon as I find out something on monday, i'll let you all know.
Oh my hun what a load of crap. I am in the same boat with my OB not quite as severe but I will be finding a new one immediately if I am pregnant this round and if not I am taking a few months off to rest and relieve my dh of my mood swings and also find a new OB after 10 years!!
awwww sweetie, I missed the initial news, I havent been on this thread for a while.
I'm on pins and needles with you hunny I've been wondering where you were... I missed you!
Oh I'm so happy you are going in on Monday sweets.. I will def pray for you and dh hun.
Not been around for awhile, been really busy started college so all my time is taken up with that and homework lol. I forgot how much work you get from these places lol. TTC is on hold at the moment, having a few problems down below, i keep bleeding and getting sharp pains when me and OH have sex and i have constant period pains all month. Im trying to get the doc to give me a smear to check all is ok down there but she wont cause im not 25 which is just wrong in my opinion.
Im trying not to think bad things but everything i read online tells me its the first sign of cervical cancer, i really shouldnt read these things lol.
Noticed not alot of activity in here recently hope everyone is ok. Will pop back soon ladies. xx
Hey Vicky-Lou! Nice to see you on here sweetie! Try not to panic about the problems too much- it's more likely to be other things than cancer sweetie. Have you been tested for endo? Or Polyps? It's more likely to be that? How are you OH getting on? xxxx
Hey Vickie! Nice to see you again, I love it when people check back in that have disappeared for a while.
I agree that cancer is the least likely suspect, but if you have any history of it in your family you should be getting annual smears. Also, simply being sexually active usually makes an annual smear a necessity.
Not in the UK Lisa. It used to be that you got them after the age of 20 or once you were sexually active- but to cut costs they changed it a few years ago to none at all until after the age of 25 x
hey that is crazy! Well I did have that happen a few times to me after sex where I did have some spotting...that is how I found out I had fibroids....Good news is that it isnt cancer and can be treated if that is wont find that with a smear will need a ultrasound.
Hi LouLou - good to see your ticker ticking along!
lisaf - I get so happy when I see your ticker....makes me believe that is will happen!!!
aw, glad I give hope! I know it can be hard to see someone making progress with a pregnancy and still be stuck TTC facing yet another BFN month etc...
I'm so excited for you this month.... really hoping you get your BFP now that your fibroids are taken care of!
hey ladies i no its prob not cancer but my mum and her 2 sisters have a history of abnormal cells and 1 aunty just had an operation to move a small section of cancer down below. Ive asked my doctor for one loads of time but she just says im not old enough.... it drives me crazy. I dont want to change docs cause other than this she is brilliant and listens to me when i need her too. Im back at the docs on thursday so ill ask again.
Just sick of being in the mood for sex but terrified of the pain that comes after. Its not just pain for a few hours its usually 2-3 days. It happened months ago but it went away but now its back worse than before.
loulou me and other half are up and down lol i think we will always be like that lol we just rub each other up the wrong way but we love each other dearly. Alls is good though xx Your ticker is looking good hun all ok and healthy i hope? xx
Lisa and ttc hope your both well? everything going well for you lisa? i will try and pop back more often just so busy with college.
On a good note im off to Abu Dhabi on the 28th to see my mum and dad, im so excited and it will be nice for me and oh to have some time apart and our own family time. 17 whole days in the lovely heat, lol
Vicki- I have a history of abnormal cells too. I was in the pre-cancer stage for cervical cancer..I just had an in office appt where they cut it all out. All went well, and since then I have given birth to 2 babies and hardly have painful intercourse anymore. I am hoping all is well with you...but if not, it's not as scary as it used to be and doctors can kick it very quickly without much damage to your cervix. Can you go request testing because of the painful intercourse??
Cheers girls.... Well im there on thursday so im hoping she will understand how worried i am about it and send me for tests to see whats going on. If not i dont have a clue what im going to do. Maybe go and bedg the hospital some how lol.
Hope all is well with everyone? will speak soon xx
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