Lisa... Have you written down the instructions for them? Nap and feed times etc?
Ok, I had a WEIRD dream!! I was in a huge house with lots of people and had to protect it from these 'pikeys' or travellers... They kept appearing at windows and stuff. Anyway 2 got in and one got me and was holding me down. I sensed that he fancied me so I kissed him to get him to drop his concentration and when he did I whipped him over and had him pinned down! So anyway the other baddie was his dad, who found that really funny! So we all started laughing, then went off to have some lunch downstairs.
The pikeys explained why they were trying to get in to the house, I can't remember why but we kind of made friends. Anyway, one o them got a call that there was a man at the doctors surgery firing at people. So we were all on the look out for him.
This Indian guy appeared at the window and had a gun. He got in the house and was about to shoot everyone, but I was behind him so I picked up a chair and hit him over the head! I faltered cos I wasn't sure.. So didnt hit him hard. Then I had to hit him loads of times to kill him. Then I threw up!
So anyway, after that this guys brother asked to see me, he said thank you for doing it cos his brother was bad. Then the guys wife wanted to see me! So this woman took me to see her, at some bridal group (not sure why she would be at a group for women getrig married since she already was). Anyway we had to sit through this group, looking at all the hideous dresses, and seeing a transexual with huge hands show us these weird umbrellas!
Then the woman said she had something for us, and went away and came back riding this huge horse, which she got to spin around in circles etc. Then a really old classic car, or a tv channel subscription. She said we could choose which gift we wanted for killing her husband!!!
X x x