Jess I am sorry you are feeling out of control. I know this doesn't help any but it is totally normal! I feel like that ALL THE TIME. I always feel anxious when things aren't quite in line. I think its just being a new mom with a tiny baby who is our sole responsibility and having our DHs sort of gone a lot working, so it really is up to us to hold down the fort. But if you think you need meds you would know I guess, for sure talk to a doc about how you are feeling and see what they think. It should get better once you get out more with work because the baby and your day to day mommmyhood won't be your one and only thing going on, you will have a nice distraction of mental challenges at work to change it up. Hugs to you, I hope it gets better and I hope your hair smells better!
Gdane I had a total late ovulation naturally without drugs, like around CD 20-CD30 at times. I went on clomid and the very first cycle at 50mg I ovulated way earlier than is normal for me, around CD 16 or something and I got the BFP the first round. I think I just needed the kick start to get the ovulation on a normal early day like normal ladies do. Good luck to you! Oh yeah you are totally welcome here!