Hey all.
I havent read back again
Hope everyone is well. I dont get chance to get on her much just lately and i feel so bad but nowadays shae has my run ragged. Im shattered. Ill have to post a pic of my bump soon, im no where near as big as i was with Shae.

I would have thought i would have been bigger with this being number .
Well the nesting has begun. I have washed all Chloes clothes. Packed her hospital bag, all i need is some baby shampoo. I still have everything to get for mine. I must say im a lot more wiser this time round. I packed everything bar the kitched sink with Shae.

I have got the moses basket things washed and in my room. Her bottle steralised just incase i need them as im hoping to give BF another try.
Erm..... what else.....
Im at the MW on the 19th but im hopinh to change GPs and get one closer to home so thats going to mess things up.
Im going to speak to her about a water birth. I would like to give it a try now i know what to expect. If i cant hack the pain i can always get out for pain relief.
With Shae i couldnt get off the bed as his Heartrate kept dropping so im hoping for a better experiance this time round. Im getting SOOOOOOO excited. Its come round so fast.
Ok enough of me babbling on. What we all up to?