There are a few thoughts on writing stuff down....
They may find it very helpful... but if you write too much stuff down then they won't read it and may be insulted.
Then again... my inlaws were kind of insulted at us needing to show them how to do stuff... but they didn't know simple things like to never microwave breastmilk.
If you do write it all down, maybe give them an option.. a basic cover page and then more detailed stuff. Definitely break it down into categories like 'bathtime' .. maybe even make areas under each category like what to use, what time to do things etc?
I've never left Daniel for a whole day so its less complicated, you know?
I know they still do things in ways I don't wish them to... but none of it is really vital stuff (hopefully! lol)
By the way, apparently my MIL got her feelings all hurt because she thought I returned a blanket she bought for Daniel. I hadn't returned it and they eventually found it, but sheesh!! I have like 50 blankets.. I can't be worrying about someone's feelings when it comes to this stuff, but I since she never said a word to me about her hurt feelings, I guess I'll just have to keep all gifts no matter how useless or annoying they may be. She just better listen when I tell her no big items (we don't have the space and she can go ahead and have her feelings hurt if she can't listen to me, lol)