Lou-what a kook! He just has normal babyfat on his shoulders! I would lash out at her! Want me to? ...weirdo
Lisa-Walmart has cheap costumes around 15 bucks...or you could make something. At this age it's just for showing off, really...about 2yrs old is when they really LOVE to dress up and go get candy. I whipped up a costume out of fleece real quick one afternoon and it prob cost $2 max. you could easily do something like that!
KC-nope don't have our costumes yet, but the kids have theirs. I am so excited!!! Not sure if we are going to do ours now, since hubs is intent on a downpayment for a house, all expenditures have ceased unless they are vital expenses....But the kids are taken care of!
Oh my gosh, Suz. He's just stunning! That pic was amazing, and I def think he'll be walking in a month or less. Hope the headache is gone.
Hugs to all