I suck at words with friends now and I am sad about it. I think you all have gotten awesome at it and I don't have the patience anymore to find the best spot for words. OR I think Jimmy won't let me anymore.
hey, you just beat me by over 100points Casey!, lol! Am I not good enough to keep you satisified?
The height limit on rear-facing seats is when their head is within 1 inch of the top of the seat (its different when FF). Feet length isn't an issue, their legs are going to get cramped space-wise if you ERF though. Its not dangerous to have their legs folded up etc. The only time cramped feet could be an issue is if your kid has hip problems that would be exacerbated by having their feet tucked up or crossed in front of them.
I didn't mean any offense Lisa ! Ha. but you would beat me maybe if u didn't let me have access to the triples. I am excited for our new radian coming! I think Jim is actually too tall right now in our graco infant seat!
I don't know how tall he is! But he is 2 lbs under the max- it's a graco cheapest infant seat- snugride that goes to 22 lbs. Getting a new seat just in time! Ha. U can do 2 letter words too!
Our 2001 escalade doesn't have the latches. Oh well. We might get a new car in the next year since this one has some probs. I like it tho- I feel like a gangster soccer mom in our old skool caddy!
Evening primrose regulates hormones. Can't remember the name of it, but the stuff we all took as a herbal alternative to Clomid... It will come back to me... Nope can't remember what it's called. How about some acupuncture? Also reflexology would help. Xx
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