Here you go lou:
Soft structured carriers are really easy to use. Sammuel is up and down in his all day, takes about 30 seconds to get him up and in. To BF him I just loosen off one or both straps, and drop him down a little bit and he sits there feeding.
I have one of these
And one of these
I use the apple sleepy nico one more, it's all corduroy and I just find it that little bit comfier, but both are really good.
Only thing with the nico is the crappy clips for the straps that go over your back. I got mine 2nd hand so not sure Whether the strap ive got is what it comes with or not. Anyway, I use the chest strap from the R&R which you can buy separately
Anyway, once she's decided which carrier she likes I can do a video showing the difference and how I put it on if she wants... Rather than trying to explain it in writing!
The other thing I have and is fab for BF is a ring sling, Sammuel is a but heavy now, but I wish I'd had one when he was a newborn. Its a bit of a minefield but this is a good brand:
They are dead easy to use, but the weight is lopsided so I think these are probably only good up to a few months for wearing for long periods.
Anyway, once baby is in you simply loosen and Lower to feed, then tighten back up.
I'd suggest she looks on YouTube for breastfeeding ring sling, and breast feeding SSC, there will be loads of helpful videos.
In an ideal world I'd have one ring sling and one SSC.
Hopefully that's not too confusing!