Clomid Club Graduate Buddies

Like American idol chell...

I quite like a few of them... And I like the new judges and I thought I'd hate them!

X x x
Yeah I like the new judges- except Kelly- she gets on my tits!! :haha: I'd like Dannii back- I like Dannii! I prefer Tulisa to Cheryl though!
Well getting your vag fully waxed for an hour was a breeze compared to labor! Not even close. Being in the salon away from everything was nice even tho she was ripping my skin. I think I will keep going every month so I can be hair free and dh can bond with Jimmy for a couple hours. It's a good reason to take off cuz It's for his benefit .
I think thats a great idea Casey! Let the boys bond and get some girl time... though I'd probably prefer a pedicure or massage, lol.

I'm trying to do baby sign but I keep forgetting to do it in front of him.

Sorry about the teeth Lou! I hope it fades down to nothing! I know tons of people with white spots on their teeth from flouride.

So we went down to the outlets today, spent too much money but mostly on stuff for Daniel, lol. Its just too easy to spend money on kids!!

Someone approached me while we were out. She started out saying 'now that is one baby who isn't undernourished' which I took to be a very nice compliment ... then she told me my baby was overweight. I politely disagreed with her and said he was in the 75th percentile so he's a little larger than average but still quite normal and actually tall for his age, so she replied that he WAS overweight then. I told her he's quite proportional and when he crawls it will come off. She said 'oh yes, you'll have to make sure it does' and then told me not to feed him any fast food. I told her he was 17lbs and she thought I meant he was 17lbs OVER the weight he 'should' be. I know she was deluded and she really was just a stupid bitch, Daniel barely has one thigh roll! Really, not that bad! But I kind of suspect she only made those comments (especially the fast food one) because I am very overweight. I wish I had made some kind of comment like his diaper makes him look huge because we had to get the large size to contain his balls...
OMG Lisa the nerve of that lady! She must be crazy saying something like that and how rude!!! I am sorry! I Wish you would have given her a big smack on the head! What a bitch. I don't understand how some people don't understand how they come across to others, like she has no perceptive skills whatsover or social smarts to know that it is not cool or okay to say something like that! Plus it isn't even true but it is beside the point because like you said, she was judging you. Ugh! She needs to get some karma payback somehow.

Its so easy to spend money on kids! They don't have anything ! They need everything.
lol.. yeah, well I get home, I wash his new teething toys, then add them to his toy basket and realize he now has like 14 teething things, lol... not sure 'need' is really the right word ;)
Yeah they don't need that stuff I guess u r right! Back on the old days a baby got a blanket and a rattle and that's about it! Isn't it such a racket? All this baby gear we have to make things easier? Such a mass money racket!

We bought like 8 pacis to try to get Jimmy to use one and he ended up hating pacis! I am glad but we have this waste here. Also his spendy petunia pickle bottom diaper bag I got is a waste so far I never use it. It was 120. Dumb. The stroller hasnt gotten much use either- it's a bob and it was over 300. Oh well- it will come in handy soon enuff. What is a waste for u so far?
Lisa- sorry. :( some people are just rude! Lars and I were talking about this the other day... Where are manners anymore?! I am so happy maddies school enforces silly rules on the playground like, if u are playing a game, you cannot exclude anyone, and if u don't have anything nice to say, don't say anything at all. So silly but I'm glad there are some kids learning manners!!!! Seriously wish I were with you for that! Stupid hootch! I had 2 very very fat babies and I would have loved to dig in to her!

So speaking of useless crap for babies; I'm looking for the best jumper or activity center. I saw one at Walmart I think I like. Anyone have a bright starts one?
Kc why don't u use the diaper bag? Where do u put stuff when u go out?
The bob will come in handy if u jog with Jimmy, right?
Our stroller was a great purchase.. almost $500 but we love it, great quality
I have 2 jujube diaper bags and love them both, they were pretty spendy, lol.

I almost feel like his swing was a waste.. it was a life saver in the beginning but he really doesn't care about it now and it was almost $200
The diaper changing caddy was pretty much a waste
ditto for the mobile, though maybe he'll like the light show when he's older

I have quite a few things we've never used (like the pack n play but that was free from a friend)
I wasted a ton of money on pregnancy books that I never read
I have a suspicion the bath toy caddy might be a waste, lol, but we have years of bath toy management ahead of us so we'll see
I totally over-bought on crib sheets, but I didn't realize how many I already had.
I also bought this pricey diaper rash cream on the recommendation of our friends, only he's almost never had a rash! (hm, wonder if they would want to buy the tub off of us, lol)
way too many bath towels too, though some of that was gifts
fancy burp cloths, lol..

up until a couple weeks ago I would say bibs too, but now the drooling has set in lol
hmm, we're skipping the jumper/activity center one ourselves

I think there are some that allow the toys to switch out so you can keep it 'fresh' can't remember which one that was.

I entered to win the bright starts table one on facebook :haha:
Agreed on the swing. Connor loved it in the beginning but hates it now. Luckily mine turns in to a bouncer. I think I might pack the swing part up now.
I use my diaper caddy every change... But I don't have a changing table so I lug it all around like that.
Other than that since this is baby #3 for me, I knew the stuff I would use and not use.... So I don't have anything I wish I didn't buy. Prob had a ton ofthat crap with my first. Haha.
Lisa do u think more expensive diapers make for no diaper rashes? My kids have only had a diaper rash maybe 2 or 3 times each, ever.
Bright starts one has loops for your own toys. I love that I can put a baby down for a sec while I make lunch or something, and Connor hates the activity mat I bought. I wish I would have got the better playmat but $75 made me cringe thinking of him only playing with it for a few months. He is getting sick of the bouncer and still can't enjoy the bumbo bc he's not eating yet, so I am at a loss on where tO put him when I need to do something real quick like switch the laundry or wipe Max's butt. Haha I'm hoping the jumperoo will be a hit
Ps I love Harry potter but the book isn't grabbing my attention. I've never read them. Do u think I can get in to them even if I have already seen the movies?
I think once you get to the 3rd book it will grab your attention more.. the movies started to leave stuff out at that point. I LOVE the books, but it does take some of the suspense out when you know what is going to happen. I still think she is a great writer, its so descriptive. You might even have some stuff filled in that you missed during the movies or understand some back story that they only hinted at on the screen.

I'm almost regretting the play gym I bought.. I think it is way way better than most of the other ones I saw, but I did spend a lot on it and I can never be bothered to pull it out and usually just plop him on the floor with a toy instead. I may sell it on, or save for the next kid, or just take the toys off and let him get some use out of that.
I don't know if the pricier diapers help (makes me wonder about my friend who insisted on using 'green' disposables and had some really rough rash battles... the one who recommended that cream I regret buying.. I do wonder if a more traditional brand would have kept her daughter drier). We've only really used pampers.. we hated the cheapos from BRU.. they didn't stay on well and leaked.

I'm shopping for more cloth diapers right now :)
Nice. There was an article in the paper about that early potty training Suz does. I think it's awesome but there were women that have never bought diapers bc they potty trained their babies?! I still don't get it.

I use pampers too. Love them! Do u do gifts to grow? I am almost to the largest prize they have. :) few more months! Haha.
Eek. I better go to bed! We've got somefriends coming over in the morn for the day. I better get some shut eye so I don't sleep away the morning! Lisa play me on words. We're almost done with that game. I'm ready to start a new one!

TTY all later!
Chell I know someone who used nappies for only 6 weeks... The concept is that babies don't like to poo themselves and that the only reason we keep babies in nappies to 2.5/3 is because the nappy companies have sold us that idea and make the most money. So basically we teach our babies to poo themselves, then 2-3 years later teach them not to!
So anyway, from birth the idea is that you hold them over a potty after every feed and frequently throughout the day. They learn very early the signs that they need to go, and start to give signs and hold it in really early.
When my mum went to Sri Lanka none of the babies had nappies on, and at 1 they were totally potty trained. The mums carry them around in slings and just hold them out to pee!
I think it's a big commitment to do it so early though. Much easier to do it part time. We prob put sammuel on the potty 3/4 times a day. He still has some wet nappies and sometimes poos in one if we haven't put him on enough.

Re wasting money, things I thought were a waste are:
Moses basket. Never wanted the damn thing and went against my instincts and bought one anyway :dohh: it was useful to store washing :haha: and I sold it for what I paid.
Vibrating 'bouncer' chair which he hated, and it didn't bloody bounce!!
Bumbo he was too big for really and didn't like.

Sammuel did 8-1 in his cot. Then 1-3 but was upset after that so came in with us. Don't know if he is just too hot or what. Or teeth, again.
I hardly slept though cos he wasn't next to me :(

Does anyone have a cot bumper? He is such a sleep roller he keeps hitting his head on the bars. But I have read a few things about them being dangerous?

X x x

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