SIL is pretty much a mess.. her life just fell apart over the last 8 years or so.
MIL is a space cadet, lol. I'm actually pretty worried about her though, she should not be this forgetful for her age
I know it is a long process to lose weight and heck, the day before I ate a personal frozen pizza for lunch, had a bagel and cream cheese for breakfast, ate a huge burrito for lunch and munched on 3 mini cupcakes at work. PLUS some snacks in between.. I can't eat like that and expect to lose weight unless I'm a professional athlete like Michael Phelps

(do you remember reading how much he ate every day?!?!)
I need to rethink my eating, its just so easy to grab convenience foods.
I'm working out at Curves.. its circuit training.. you do muscle training but at a pace that keeps your heartrate up so its cardio at the same time. You spend 30 seconds on each machine and 30 seconds on a 'recovery station' in between (its a shock-absorbant platform where you jog in place/dance etc). Its a 30 minute workout on the circuit with 10 minutes of stretching afterwards.
They even have this new smartcard program where you swipe your card before each machine, it has your range of motion programmed and measures the effort/strength you put into each rep. It sets a target for you based on your previous performances so it makes sure you don't slack off and pushes you to improve. It tracks your progress so you can check your muscle groups and make sure you're working things evenly too. Even though my other measurements didn't show a lot of progress I showed a steady, strong improvement in caloric burn and improvement in strength.
Last time I did curves, I lost 12 inches my first month (was not eating like this though, lol... and I was a lot younger and probably had better metabolism). So this month was a bit of a letdown compared to the last time I joined up. Its discouraging to have my progess go so slow though since I have SO much to lose