Clomid Club Graduate Buddies

Sooo Jimmy is happy as a clam with my dad or dh if he is playing in a room with them where I am no where in sight or sound. The minute I walk in the room or he hears my voice in the kitchen he gets frantic and needs to be saved by me and even If I pick him up he is fussy and unconsolable a bit until I get him away from the "strangers" and get him focused on something else. For sone reason he can't hand out and be happy with both me and an acceptable friend in the room! Why??? It makes it hard to visit with my dad or dh even while all of us hang with Jimmy in the same room. Why do I have to hide for him to be calm with people???
Casey I really don't know! Maybe some sort of separation anxiety or just a really clingy phase... Kinda weird!

Sorry I don't know what to suggest, other than try and reassure him he's ok :shrug:

X x x
Yeah must be just clingy and he prob forgets about me when I leave - he is a baby and easily distracted! But when I walk
In the room he is like oh yeah!!! Mommy! Omg I forgot!!! Then he hightails it over to me and gloms on. The more people come over the better he will get I guess.
I had awful back pain with Ben's back-to-back labour once my contractions started Laura! Are yiu still having the contraction type pains? X

Have a lovely time Chell :hugs:
It sounds like separation anxiety to me Casey. In the WW book it says to sit them on your knee and everybody ignore him to start with- then as he starts trying go interact with the others gradually move him from your knee to invetween you and someone else but you stay there in touching distance xx
Ooh, Laura that sounds like it! I remember feeling like someone was trying to shove a bowling ball out of my pelvis.. so painful and uncomfortable, I could barely walk. Though if I made myself walk, it actually got less painful (I think walking somehow pushed him back up since I was having trouble dilating until they broke my water)
Yeah Lou that sometimes works but it's hard in the moment for people to shut the he'll up and not coo and talk to Jimmy! And once he is comfy and I left him alone later I come back and he goes, oh yeah mom! There u are! And needs me. He drops whatever fun he is having and needs to be over to me pronto. I think it's normal but it makes it hard to be social.

Laura that's prob it! I wonder if today's the day!
Maybe it's also cos he's crawling and more independent, I think separation anxiety happens around crawling and walking milestones. Sammuel was a bit more clingy I think and when he saw me he'd come to my feet and climb up my legs! Actually I remember he did go through a phase of being funny with other people right when he started crawling...

Where's Laura gone? Maybe in labour! :happydance:

X x x
Yeah totally suz! I think it's the crawling that's prob a bit overwhelming maybe! He crawls up my leg too!
Hey chell! Have you gone yet?

I swear I'm up the duff... My tummy is huge and I can feel kicking :rofl: something is going on - maybe AF is coming back... :shrug:

X x x
U really think so, preggo? Maybe u gotta go poop! Have u been dtd?
Haha no I don't really think so! I'd be pretty far along to feel kicking and I only poas about 4 days ago :haha:

I think I'm oving or AF is coming!! I've though that a few times though and nothing...

We dtd sometimes, not that often though!

X x x
hey girls. sorry i left you hanging yesterday.

I went to labour and delivery as the pain was sooooo bad.
Monitored chloes heart rate which was a little erratic. Down one minute then through the roof the next. I wasnt contracting as such according to the monitor as there were only a few blips. An internal showed i was 1cm dilated but cervix is still highand thick.
her head is engaged though which is what may be causing my pain.

Im in agony. I was in tears last night with the pain and have hardly slept as can hardly move to get confortable. I have a high pain threshold but this is ridiculous. I cant go on like this for 2 more weeks. Phil is back at work tomorrow and i cant even move to play with shae or pick him up. It so bad girls.

If i ask for a c section do you think they will give me one? To be honest i think it will resport to that anyway as her head feels stuck to me. I can feel it pressing on my pelvic bone.

Hey Laura, sorry it's so bad :(

Honestly I doubt they will, but I don't know, depends on your area. Just think about it really hard, I know it seems like the best thing now, but you may regret it later. You'll have a lot of recovery and definitely won't be able to play with shae after a section.

I'm not saying don't do it, just consider the physical and emotional implications carefully.

I know when I had sammuel if they'd offered me a section at the end I'd have just agreed, but I know I'd regret it now!

I don't really know what to suggest, I guess you could ask and find out if it's even an option. And find out what your other options are, like epidural etc...

:hugs: x x x
Honestly Suz, gut feeling is this will end in a section anyway.
My sister had a posterior labour with her 1st which resulted in a section cause my niece got stuck.

Im just in so much pain its unreal, the hospital put it nicely that i just have to grin and bear it. I would like to hear them say that after feeling like i am.
Im far from a whimp and can pretty much deal with anything but this is pushing me to my limits. :cry:
Laura :hugs: I really feel for you! The back-to-back pain is completely indescribable- it is agony :-( To be fair my pain wasn't excruiating until my waters broke. They nearly sent me for a C-section but his heart rate dropped so low they had to cut him out the bottom end instead :-( I thought after my birth that they would definitely let me have a csection next time but I've been told they wouldn't! :shock: So I'm not sure they'll let you unless she gets stuck during delivery.

Have you tried ringing the midwife and demanding a transfer to an Ob consultant? I think that would be your best bet xx :hugs:
Do you think you want a c-section? Try not to base your outcome it on your sisters experience. I'm not trying to be patronising, I know you know what you're doing, it's just when you've had someone close to you have a similar experience it's easy to get you thinking yours will be the same.
Don't forget Lou and I both had back to back babies who got stuck, and although my birth was far from ideal, I'm still glad I didn't have a section (just my thing though, I would never want a section personally but nothing against them!)

Honestly if you want a section and think it's the best thing then you just have to ask, make an appointment and tell them you can't cope.

My only concern is that you will regret it afterwards, because you really enjoyed your first birth, and have been really excited about doing it again. And if you choose to have a section now you might kick yourself later and wonder what would have happened.

I hope that makes sense? Just consider everything and if you think a section is the way to go and phil can support you enough afterwards then just ask for it and see what they say.

:hugs: I hope I'm not coming accross badly, I'm trying to help :flower:

x x x
I agree too- I would be scared stiff to have a c-section- even with how bad my birth went. I'd probably try again naturally- although I have to admit if they told me the next baby was back-to-back and as big as Ben then I might beg for a c-section. I couldn't go through that again - and I'd be really scared of everything going wrong. they only just got Ben out in time :-( BUT that was because his cord was round his neck- if it hadn't been he probably would have moved down ok!

I think they'd say no to a c-section Laura. I think your best hope would be for them to agree to induce you if the pain is really bad xx

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