Lisa! I think teethjewelry is wayyyyy worse! Weird! Hahaha. And super funny!
I watched a lame and super cool show on Netflix tonight: how it's made. I have a new found respect for contact lenses and aluminum foil! Lol and I think golf tees are a waste of precious commodities! Hahaha
Oh no Jess! Did she get a chicken pox vaccine recently? Sometimes that will just cause a few but it doesn't make them contagious. Both of my older kids got a few after the pox vaccine but dr said not to worry, it was normal.
Aww man I have no right but I am jealous of I chell! I want to be back on the beach already! Have fun! Connor probably just senses yr leaving soon!
Lou the tooth popped out without warning! No teething fussyness beforehand- but now today is a different story he is pretty fussy. He woke up and cried a few different times last night too, not for lOng but he is a bit unsettled. Also I gave him cheese first time yesterday and maybe that bothers him. I hope he sleeps better tonight- he has to meet a lot of people tomorrow evening. The brother in law and wife and mil and fil AND my dad will all be over here. I want to puke!
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