he still wont prize himself away so im off to bed now.
I think im going to get 2 of the wooley letters hun, the 20cm ones. 'C' in pink and 'S' in blue. Just need to pay bills and things and see what money i have spare. xx
I think he "might" have an ear infection starting Either that or he's just yanking and scratching at his ears because he's so overtired (apparently some babies pull their ears when tired ) - he's also been hitting himself on the side of the head just above his ears too. He's certainly very unhappy! He's in bed with me now and is just dropping off- I doubt it's going to be for long though- think we're in for a bad night!! It's midnight already and he's had about 20 minutes sleep altogether!!
Hey Lou.. Sorry about Ben. Jimmy was doing that too with the ears and we discovered that his wispy thin baby hair was grown long enough to itch his ear. So we buzzed it off with a nose hair trimmer and he is better now.
He's woke up again. I've looked in his ears and they are red So I guess something is going off in there!!
We're gonna have to try some things with his sleeping next week- the last couple of months he must only be getting about 5 hours sleep in every 24 hours
I don't know!! I think the first step may be getting back inti the cot for naps like he was doing a month or so ago- then it will become more like his bed again rather than my bed seeming like his bed. Then maybe a bit more of a routine- we have none at all at the minute! It's so hard to get a routine though with a baby that is sometimes up for the day at 4am, then other nights not even asleep by 4am!!!
Yeah good idea, back to the cot and develop a routine. As best u can with the early riser. Is he still a frequent feeder/snacker on the breast? Or does he take full feedings now? What percent of his nutrition is solids?
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