Euronova - period-like cramping is actually really normal early on. I remember it being pretty bad, and once that fades a bit you get the uterus stretching pains.. then come round ligament pains, lol.. oh being pregnant is so much fun
Margaret - wow, thats the first time I've ever heard of someone else being an ear twiddler! I never sucked my thumb, but I did like to hold onto my own or my parent's earlobes!

Took FOREVER to break that habit.
Ok girls, got a funny story to tell you.
So last night I was getting ready for bed. I floss my teeth while lying in bed (some may find that gross, its the only way I've found to make myself actually floss every day). I use a little stick with a flosser thing on the end. Anyway I set it down on my nightstand, kiss my husband goodnight, then started using it. I felt something poking my lip so I pull it out of my mouth, and what do I see? One of those round sticky burr balls, about 1/2 cm stuck to it! I had pulled it off the dog ages ago and stuck it on my nightstand... I didn't see it going towards my mouth since it blended in with the sheets that were in view. I was so grossed out.. that thing was IN MY MOUTH. So I poke my husband and show him the thing sticking to my flosser and tell him that it was in my mouth (looking for shocked sympathy here). He blurts out 'what the fuck?!?!' asks what it is, so I tell him its one of those sticky burrs.. he freaks out and says 'I kissed you' then asks how that happened, I point out that it came off the dog.. he was still freaking out... then I tell him I had pulled it off the dog and stuck it on my nightstand. At this point we both realize that he thinks I had a sticky burr in my mouth and pulled it out with the flosser.

I'm still trying to shake the cough from my cold, and ended up having an asthmatic coughing fit from laughing so hard, hehe