I can not express in words just how angry I am with you and how very disappointed I am in you. Of all people, I never believed that you would behave in this way. The one thing I have always always thought of you is that you have high morals. I see now that I was wrong. Not only that, but you promised me that we would never get to this point again. You are just as guilty if not more than me of not expressing how you feel. At least I wrote to you on more than one occasion to tell you how I felt and feel. Yet you did nothing to remedy it or even take it on board.
I have now risen above the emotional haze of the last few days and have a clear view of what needs to happen.
You have betrayed my trust and dishonoured the vows we made to each other. You don’t deserve my trust, my fidelity or my love. It shouldn’t be me begging you. I won’t beg any more. I won’t plead with you. I deserve more respect than that.
It’s not just you who has to make a decision on whether you want to be in this relationship anymore. I don’t know if I can ever trust you again. I don’t know if I can ever believe you again. I don’t know if I can forgive you. Not just for having feelings for someone else, but for even thinking of walking out on your wife and young child for whatever reason. I don’t know if I want to stay married to that man.
If we are to work things out you need to be completely committed to us as a family. You need to be dedicated to the task of rebuilding our relationship. I have never given you an ultimatum about anything, but I am going to now.
If we are to work, if we are to even start on the road to recovery you must agree to sever all ties social and professional with her. You can find another producer for the FFI job, and how you deal with connected pictures is up to you. I am not being unreasonable. Anyone else would ask the same thing. You brought this on yourself and I will not feel guilty for asking this of you. You have no right to resent me for asking this of you either. If you cannot do this one thing then there is no hope for us. I will not budge on this. It is the only condition I am setting.
You don’t have to answer me now, but I want you to make up your mind before our session on Wednesday.
I have taken my rings off. They are in the bedroom by the Buddha. When you feel ready to make a full commitment to me and Lili you can place them on my finger again.
I love you, but as you have shown, love is obviously not enough.