Lisa- I understand what you're saying - I have wondered that myself about the pros and cons of the sleep training V's the lack of sleep! I've tried the rubbing his back thing but a slight touch wakes him up!!
What concerns me about sleep training is we did give in once and tried to get him settling in the cot instead of being rocked and Ste put his hand on him and "shushed" determined not yo give in- Ben screamed solidly for over 5 hours - we gave in instead of him in the end
Suz- yeah I asked the attachment girls I met (through the child psychologist girl I did pregnancy yoga with) none of them had any suggestions! They all just said they cuddled it out for the first six months and their babies started to self settle! The only advice I got was "pleeeeeeease don't do CIO" from them and the child psychologist!!
P.S: I love the John Lewis advert!! Soooooo sweet!!!
Ugh lou I just don't know it's so hard! I totally think CIO isn't going to work for him, or you anyway, but I just don't know what else to suggest. I've said to you loads of times if he just cried a bit for 3-4nights then slept better it would be worth it, but I just can't see it being that easy...
The one thing guaranteed to calm sammuel down is watching videos back of himself on the iPhone! He loves it and lays there for ages.
Did you try music? Reasonably loud? not nursery rhymes either, proper music!
Thanks I'll admit the effect it has does wear off, but then they do something else cute that keeps you going. There is definitely a survival mechanism at work here, lol.
Lol... ok, but I do have a sleep disorder that makes me feel like I am drugged up on drowsy medications even when I get enough sleep. When I don't get enough sleep I will fall asleep at inappropriate times like at work or while driving. So its extremely dangerous for me not to get enough sleep... doesn't that buy me any leeway?
He's brilliant V- he helps loads - he's been up the last few nights too! No-one can sleep though- he screams the house down!! Our neighbour hears him and we're detached!!
wow..... there is bound to be something not quite right... do you think he is in pain of some sort? once he is awake, if you let him get up and play with him does he still cry?
Is he overly tired or just not tired?
Steve, lou's man, is the best guy ever! He wins the prize for top dad I think based on what Lou says. He is practically breadtfeeding he helps so much!
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