that sounds like fun, you guys should get together! Lou sorry Ben is fighting sleep again. Yeah let us know how your new training goes - stay strong! Its for Bens good!
Jimmy's 10 month wonder week fussy-lead-up stage is killing me and apparently the calm sun doesn't break until 4 more weeks!! I Can't take much more! I seriously have to put him down on the ground and let him cry sometimes. He only wants his mommy and refuses to entertain himself with al his bushels of toys. Even when I do hold him or play with him he isn't all the way happy and not for long. By afternoon my arm gets tired and so do my ears. Why didn't any of you others talk about this, its supposed to hit around the 10-11 month range. IT feels like such a setback from how he was it is frustrating. Anyway I am just ranting, I never really have ranted about jimmy too much before.