wish I knew why I can't watch your videos Suz

It tries to download them and if I do, all I get is audio
According my my SIL if she asks Daniel 'what time is it?' he looks at the clock. Though I think thats total BS, lol!
He has recently discovered his equipment and keeps grabbing it... which is fine, whatever except when he's got a poopy diaper that leaked up the front.
My milk supply isn't quite up enough though

I had it down perfect but then he started sleeping crappy. I only got to pump one side last night because he woke up for a feed while I was pumping... then he fed again at 3:30am, which didn't leave me with enough at 7am for the 2 bottles I needed to fill

Not sure what to do... if I was home with him all day, I'd just let him nurse to get my supply where it needs to be, but I can't send him to daycare without enough milk!
If I take something like fenugreek, when I stop taking it does my supply go back down? I know I can eat oatmeal and stay hydrated. I'm slightly worried that working out is hurting my supply but I'm not overdoing it at all! I eat plenty..
I'm also going to go back to double pumping at night instead of just pumping one side at a time... not sure if that will be enough?
I can also try pumping after his bedtime feed and pumping more on the weekends to keep it up. UGH, so frustrating since I work! If I was in my own office, I'd just try to pump more, but I'm already struggling to keep up with stuff as it is!