Ben's got Bronchiolitis and a sickness bug Laura- so his sleep is even worse than usual!!
Girls- we've got a cat that keeps coming in our house. It comes at least once a day then runs off (luckily the dogs are out with Ste in the day!) it is really straggly, has a missing tail and looks starving! It seems to know our house but I've checked with the previous owners and they say neither of their cats are missing. It won't let me catch it but has just wolfed down a can of Ben's tuna that I plonked in the garden for it! I wouldn't usually feed a cat as I know it can cause problems for the owners but you can see the poor things ribs and hip bones! Should I keep feeding it? What shall I do?
Lou I'd ask the neighbours if anyone knows whos it is... I know Jess gets really pissed with people feeding puss! But if no-one knows who owns it, or if no-one does then I guess it won't do any harm..
I hope Ben sleeps!
Laura glad Chloe is putting on weight.
I think I'm pro 7-8 weeks maximum. I poas fairly frequently so I know I can't be too far gone. If I was 5 weeks when I did the test that would make me 7 weeks now...
Lou if it hasn't got a collar feed it! Puss has a collar that says Please do not feed on it! And maybe phone the rspca?
Laura, I don't really know what is going on with OH. He agreed to joint counselling, but hasn't booked it yet. He's been gone for 2 weeks now and he doesn't phone ever and hardly asks about Lili... It's so devastatingly heartbreaking. I don't know how I'm going to get through Christmas...
If you don't mind him coming to live with you then you can keep feeding it. He will get used to it though and won't leave you alone!! Puss just turned up on my Gran's doorstep one day and never left! Mind you she did cook chicken fresh for him!! xx
I'm spending Christmas Day at my Mum's... I've decided against the expensive trip to egypt, but I just can't be home alone between Christmas and New Year... It's going to be too much to deal with...
That's good that you are going there Jess. I'm glad you're not staying at home
Yeah that's another thing I considered when I fed it! I think I'll not feed it again. I'd love a cat (I always had them in the past) but Ste is allergic and Ruudi, our terrier, would attack it! Guess I'll have to not encourage it. I hate ignoring animals though- especially ones like that
Jess, i cant begin to imagine how you must be feeling. Im glad your with family over christmas though. and what a B*****d your OH is, not even asking about his daughter.your both better off without him by the sounds of it hun. I know it doesnt fel like it now but it will get easier in time.
Girls shae has started walking, well kind of. He takes 6-7 steps and then sits down. He is getting there though and is doing it a lot
Ok Jess old friends and it's just coffee. I will let you go have yr fun.
Lou don't feed that cat unless you want to keep him coming back! I didn't read all the way but how does he get in?
I am tired and have no right to say it. Went to bed later than normal and it was so hard to get up at 530am like normal. Well Jimmy is getting mad about me on the iPod so gotta go! Hope you are all well!
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