Suz -

Was it after a really hard pushing for a bowel movement? I caused some spotting when pregnant from that
In fact, its weird, but I keep spotting now if I push too hard

Kind of worries me
Jess - He is a complete tool. I don't know if you can hold off until next week, but I do think that is a major issue that he's still talking to her... can you guys schedule another counseling session to discuss that issue before your next one? I do believe in putting your foot down and contacting a solicitor, but I think that should be mentioned as an ultimatum in front of the counselor first.
Do you think he's interested at ALL in fixing things?
I know that its not something you can expect to get fixed overnight though. I think you should at least consider yourselves officially separated... couples do sometimes date during a separation....
at least he's not lying about it?? (trying to find a bright side)
I would have a hard time welcoming my DH back after what you've been through... its one thing for them to have an affair, realize that they don't want to lose you and try their damnedest to win you back and earn your trust again. Its a completely different thing that he's doing here...