the bleeding I had during pregnancy was pink/red, not brown.
The sharp pain could be from lifting too much ... your body is going to be a little different this time than last.
Big hugs though, its impossible not to worry, but I believe in my heart its going to be ok.
As for the chair.. yeah they told me where I could put it and it makes NO sense, lol.. it just wouldn't work there, it wouldn't be usable there and it would make the glider unusable. I actually need to rearrange the furniture to make better use of the Ikea toy organizer I got.
The leather recliner in our living room is my main hangout.. its broken though (maybe I'm just jealous because I need a new chair they got Daniel one instead?
). I was thinking when that chair dies that I might move the nursery glider out to the living room (it looks stupid and cheesy but it would be nice to get more use out of it... but I'm also sort of hoping the chair doesn't die for a while or we can maybe maybe fix it) then there would be room for it in the nursery? There really isn't anywhere in the living room for it.
UGH, I just wish I had a bigger house and a nicer place for it.
Though I also think it would be nice if Daniel would cuddle with us on the couch etc.
WHY did she HAVE to buy a big item when I asked her not to? Part of me wants to decline it based on that alone.
I mean, isn't it a teensy bit obnoxious to ignore my request, then buy me something that requires me to rethink my furniture, rearrange things and maybe even get rid of my own furniture?