I make DH wash pump parts/bottles/dishes etc whenever I can because my eczema gets so much worse with all the hand-washing.
My eczema used to be so bad I'd have to wrap my hands in gauze.
I think getting gloves and using them religiously for any and all dish-washing is a good start, and lotion after EVERY hand wash is also good.
V- that video is so stinkin cute!!! I love the transition ones, but the clips you got were so amazing, better than anything I saw!!! lol!

I think at 14 weeks my OB had a guess but wouldn't tell us.
I think at 12 weeks it would be a nub guess.
So girls, not sure if I told you before, but last week when my SIL checked on Daniel during his nap, she said he was sleeping on his side and the bottom leg was totally purple. She rolled him onto his back and rubbed the leg and the color came back.
I called the doc and they said as long as everything is ok now, no need to bring him in, but if it keeps happening, make an appt.
Well SIL just called DH and told him that it just happened again. I told our daycare lady about it and he only sleeps on his back at her place and she's never seen it. He wakes up more at night for us than he used to and its possible thats why? (though he doesn't wake up for my SIL when this is happening - we can't see at night due to the sleep bag)
I don't know what to think or do... I can call the doctor but I have never seen this happen personally and part of me wonders if SIL is exagerrating or freaking out over nothing? WE loosened the elastic on his cloth diapers last weekend in case that was the issue (and he wears disposable at night so if thats responsiblbe for his night wakings, it would rule out the cloth diapers as a cause). I kind of feel like its something the doc will just poke and prod and say its not a big deal... I don't want him subjected to invasive teests based on my SIL's word (she is afterall the person who went through 5 disposables claiming they were defective because they wouldn't stick when there was nothing wrong with them).
she also checks in on him every 10 minutes during his naps, so maybe this happens more often but he moves on his own and it gets better but nobody else would notice?