I was more worried before the doc saw him. The doc can't see anything wrong really... if it was heart-related (one of the things that came up on google) he said it would show in other ways like poor weight gain etc and wouldn't just be one leg/extremity etc.
It may be a bad position etc...
I do still wonder if the cloth cut into him more even though I loosened it more. Just my paranoia that I'm causing it somehow.
The doc said it shouldn't do any damage to his leg to be blue like that for a while. I find that a little hard to believe but hey, he's the doctor, right?
Whoa Lisa it's really purple! I can't see how a diaper could do that at all... I think maybe he's just comfortable in a really bad position for his leg...
wow that is purple! i guess all you can do is follow the doctor's opinion or ask for a second opinion if this really worries you and gets any more frequent...
with the artery and main veins going in the groin area through the hip bone I really wonder how this is happening, even if he sleep on it... is he hyper flexible in any way?
oh and do you remember I got overpaid last month? I turns out it is because i enquired about my holiday pay. I work pretty much as an occasional worker but my rate of pay normally includes paid holidays so i asked them if i had some holidays to take. Due to how I work they decided to pay the hours I had earned so far on my last pay check so not overpaid, I earned it all
and just got loads of picture order from my last photoshoot really happy with that, that is a bit more cash to spend
I really need to get my photography geared up as I think I will have to stop the vet once I have the baby and just concentrate on doing photoshoots, french lessons and work for our business...
girls got me yesterday gutted but on the bright side i can have a lovely drink now over Christmas woopp not drank for months so probably only be able have 1 haha x x x
I taught Sammuel something our bed is fairly high, and he usually goes head first off it into the cot which is lower. Of course it's a mattress so doesn't hurt. But he then started getting off everything like that! I've been showing him he needs to spin round and go legs off first onto the floor from the bed.
Anyway, with no prompting today he just did it! twice! I almost welled up that I'd actually taught him how to get off the bed safely!
You know what's fun to watch and also a good baby energy expender? Letting jimmy climb stairs . We have a long carpeted staircase and he just loves to climb it. I stand right behind him and he is panting by the top. He is so funny when he gets into it, like it's his job to climb.
Good job Suz! That's always so cool when they do stuff u taught him. Not so cool when they pick up on bad habits. Haha.... Hubs says freakin all the time and kids really emphasize saying it. So funny and a not intentional. I'm sure they get tons of their bad habits from us!
Lisa- that is pretty bad!
V good job earning all that! Go spend it!
Lou- how ya doin? How'd Ben do after his easy put down and 2hrs?
Jess-I am so sorry. I think u are doing the right thing but I think joe is being a coward and waiting until u file for divorce so he can say that he tried counseling... But u ended it. Jerk.
Marg- sorry bout the home front situation. That's horrible.
Afm- af is killing me! Sooooo crampy and tired and grooooooooouuuuuuuuchy!
EVERYTHING Daniel does gets him so excited/worked up that he gets all panty,
We're doing disposables today just to rule out the possibility of the diaper doing it. I know it SHOULDNT do it, but with how his leg is, I wonder if its cutting into the femoral artery just a bit... we'll see what happens today.
We saw the arm looking dark too... but my SIL never mentioned his arm being discolored too when she flipped him over and it COULD just be the shadows. I'll ask her to check that today when we run our 'test' with disposables.
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