Clomid Club Graduate Buddies

How is everyone today?
Did anyone sleep at all?
Hi Lisa!!! I bet you are super busy!!
Any news on the ultrasound for Ben's leg?

I felt really relaxed after a few days in Wales, we had a lovely time with OH and even fitted in a bit of :sex: lol and for a change I found it very nice VERY quickly but then could not go on so poor OH thought I was just a bit too quick for him (but then he owes me so much over the years :haha: )
Was really relaxed when I got home, until OH mum called and kept trying to pin him down: do you want to come over Sunday? What about Saturday then?, Should I drop you some turkey soup at your house :sick: ? We are going to church Sunday, you should come and speak to the vicar? or monday night when your sister is going to talk about her church wedding.... :gun:
I could feel my body tensing up as the discussion was going... but anyhow we decided against the church wedding and for a blessing the next day at the same time as the baptism and we WILL stick to it!!!
Still not eating much but somehow starting to put on weight... I guess it was going to happen! Starting to go back swimming next week and also to eat more fresh stuff...
In Wales, it was very much pub food and because I am toxoplasmosis negative, my choices were SO limited! (My SIL freaked me out about her friend who got infected when pregnant and had to have a really late abortion... ) so a lot of things I could eat were either fried, battered, or coated in melted cheese! (maybe that explains the weight gain lol)
How is everyone otherwise? Suz, is the sickness gone?! Happy 12 weeks!!
I just replied on FB. What does toxoplasmosis negative mean?!

Glad you had a nice time... It's fine to eat some good food and put a bit of weight on!

I still feeling really :sick: worse than ever last night! Tummy was hurting too so I think baby unicorn was growing!

X x x
awww i hope you feel better soon!

Its the disease you get from cat's poop and unwashed salads or fruits/vegs, also if meat is not cooked properly.

You'd think working at the vet and owning a cat I would have had it but NO!
They test me every month as if they find out i am getting it during the pregnancy they have to give you antibiotic and find out if the baby got it too (not sure how they do that but i think it's pretty intrusive)...
It's much more dangerous than i thought and leads to horrible malformations and mental problems so got very worried... they never wash salads in pubs etc so could not eat very healthy :(
Yeh I don't do the cat tray because of it but i didn't realise you could get it from food. Rubbish!

I've heard it can be really bad for the baby and cause blindness and other things :(

Is it quite rare though?

X x x
well it is and it's not.... nearly 60% of people have had it but didn't notice. So you are quite likely to get it... it's just a question of not having it whilst you are preggers...
my SIL friend got it from a steak she ate quite red when she just got pregnant (she didn't know) they had to wait until after the morphology scan to figure out how much damage had happened and had to abort the baby then... i know i haven't had it at my last 2 blood test, i am just keen to have my next one as it is worse if you have it first tri.
If you are negative they are meant to check you every month (well they do in France and i seriously hope they will for me here... will know monday)
God that's hideous :(

I didn't know they checked for it in the bloods.

Great, Danny's car is fucked and is going to cost £4-500 to fix, and we have no money :cry:

X x x
bummer! prob better off buying a second hand car than fix that one :(
crap Suz... that really sucks about the car! :(

I always thought the food restrictions were about listeria, not toxoplasmosis... interesting!
Well the car was £270 so not as bad as we thought. But still hardly ideal :(

I feel so ill I cried earlier :( I feel so sick. And my hurts. The kind of feeling when you have upset tummy. Except I don't. And it's been like it for 2 days :cry:

X x x
awwww so sorry, I do really hope that you feel better soon :hugs:
Are you getting a new car then? x
Thanks V :hugs:

No won't be getting a new car! It's a £7k car so worth repairing!

I have just quoted for some interior design work so if they want to go ahead that'll pay for a few little bits, f**k knows when I'll find the time to do it though!

X x x
oh i though the car was worth £270! (I was wondering what sort of car it could possibly be!!) so that is the new amount for the repair, that's much better!
We are getting quotes to do the garage up as an office, so office becomes baby's room and spare room stays spare room... but we just realised that actually if we used the spare room as a baby room--- my parents would definitely have to go to a hotel when visiting which actually could be a bit more relaxing!! :haha:
:rofl: I thought you might have thought that! We're not that poor :haha:

Plans sound cool but yeh I like the idea of a hotel for your parents!! Unless they are likely to help out a lot...

X x x
Well my mum is not too bad... it's my dad really... i think we need to think about it carefully. Once we have the full amount for the garage we will see if it is cheap enough to be a priority or if we put it on the back burner for when we have a second baby and definitely need more room!
Hey Suz, are you ok?
How did everyone sleep last night?

How did you girls pick your child's name? Did you do some extensive baby name research? Did you have a fav name for years?
We came along 2 names that go well with my partner's surname and that I found cute. But we have not done much more thinking. I mentioned them to my mum and she has told everyone it would be Elliot for a boy or Charlotte for a girl.
Now everyone in my family react very positively to those names and OH said as we both like them we might as well stick to them. (we didn't seem to agree on much else despite not really going some proper thinking)
I am happy with those names but always thought we would have a massive list and long discussions about it and feel a bit like I have botched a very important job lol
How did you go about it? X
Oh and OH family will prob hate the names so we will keep it a secret until the baby is named and there is no criticising then!
We had a little list of a few, but my sister is called Samantha/Sam and had started calling herself Samuelle & my mum suggested Samuel! We both just liked it better than any others. Danny wanted Hendrix as the middle name.

I think if you truly love the names then don't worry about having a list! As long as you're happy with them then it doesn't matter how you came up with them.

God knows how we'll choose the next one!

My downs results came back today - 1 in 2200. I'm not worried or anything but last time it was more like 7 or 10,000.

X x x
I would really not worry, i think the average for my age (28yo) was 1/700 but it gets better/worse if you smoke less or more than the average girl your age, your BMI is better or worse etc.
So you are clearly well under than the average girl your age and this is still a very good result! it's prob a little bit higher than last time as you are just a bit older than you were.

It's great news :)

I do really like Elliot and Charlotte (although if i had 2 children i would not choose rhyming names, so we will have to go back to the drawing board for the next one lol) so I think we will stick to that and grand parent's first names as middle names. :)
Cool you're sorted!

Really 1/700? Wow everyone I know was a LOT lower risk than that...

I went to a hypnobirthing info evening, it was interesting and I def want to do it. Tw course is £250-300 but I think that's WELL worth it to have a good birth! My friend signed up who's 20 weeks with her first. I'd have paid 5 times that to have a good birth first time round!

It's all about learning to breath yourself into a state of extreme relaxation. Most people don't need pain relief but you can still use the techniques if you have an epidural or even c section. I guess it's probably similar to what Jess did with the gentle birth method.

Are you going to do something like that V? I think you said you like yoga so you'd prob get it and enjoy it. I'd recommend it! I know I haven't done it but I know 4 people IRL who have, with first babies, and had AMAZING births!

X x x
Ps will you shorten Charlotte? I love Lottie!

X x x

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