Glad the arguments are settling down, hopefully it will get better and better as time goes on. I would love to see a picture of the Afro!
Suz, any sign of the sickness easing off?
Jess, so sorry you have a funeral today... is it still worth putting up with the counselling if it is just painful for you? Are you getting any answers?
Tried the pram yesterday and loved it, very pleased we have made a choice and can't wait to get it

I will order it after my next scan as they only get a delivery every three months and as it's quite expensive, i might as well get the colour I like!
Also just got my pregnancy trousers from Jojo Maman Bebe... I am SO going to live in those. I was afraid the S would be too small, but they are quite big and VERY stretchy... I think I am going to order another pair, they are SO comfy!
How is everyone? I thought about you Lou last night... i woke up 7 times to pee last night.... and it's been really bad in the last week or so... but i am also quite thirsty so can't really cut down on water intake! OH came to give me a kiss when he left at 6am this morning and I was finally sleeping and only had an hour left before getting up for work... I nearly cried I was so upset he woke me up!!