hi girls
I totally agree, if it's stuff they want back i either prefer not to take it or it would have to be something quite amazing and too expensive for us! With the pets and all I would just get too worried about stuff getting damaged.
The appt went really well.... they took about 5 tubes of my blood, I have had loads of blood tests with the clomid etc but it's been a long time i had so much taken and nearly felt a bit faint (good excuse for a muffin on the way out- my appetite is starting to come on strong!)
Heard the heartbeat and she measured it at between 135-140bpm so thinking once more it could be a boy as apparently girls tend to be more around 160
Got a bit stressed by MIL when she called tonight... and really need to get the wedding sorted out so once it's all decided and booked she won't be able to interfere and will just have to get her head round the whole idea. it doesn't help that Oliver's sister is involving her in every bit of her wedding (she went with them at the meeting with the priest tonight!... with OH's nephew in tow... she is literally bringing up her other daughter's child!)... I think she finds it really hard that I like us to handle things as a couple (and without her).
How is everyone?
Love the pictures of the party Jess.
Suz, love your friend's website, I need to improve so much still but it's great to see other photographer's websites to get inspiration! I can't wait to practise taking picture with my own baby

Talked about ERF with OH tonight, he seemed a bit puzzled but he seemed to like the principle, so maybe something we will do too